A Brush with Death: A Penny Brannigan Mystery - By Elizabeth J. Duncan Page 0,28

had looked over the building. They knew the building had been on the market with no interest for years and had decided that if they were to move forward with it, Victroria would take the lead on the property development, and once the structural work was done, Penny would oversee the decorating and furnishing.

“If we were to make an offer, I’m sure we’d get it way below asking price. Everyone else sees it as it is, and no one wants it. We see it as it could be, and we do want it. What we’d really be buying is the potential,” said Victoria. “It’s been abandoned for ages so no surprises. It’s about what I expected.”

She gestured toward the river. “The location is a huge plus. The land value alone would be a great investment for us. We do it up . . .”

Penny nodded. “Go on.”

“Look, let’s get the surveyor to go over it and give us a report on the structure. That way, we can get an idea of how sound it is and what would be required. You could then draw up a few sketches of what you think we’d like it to look like, and we can move forward with the work. We’ll want to knock down some of the interior walls to open up the space. And put in a really good kitchen. That sort of thing.

“But if you can imagine it with hardwood floors, new walls, beautiful pastel paint colours, really high-end bathrooms with rain forest showers—all the fixtures and fittings . . .”

“Stop!” Penny laughed. “I’m starting to get excited. Next you’ll be talking about rose petals and tea lights! Let’s do it!”

“And here’s another thought,” added Victoria. “If they do a good job on this building, they could probably have your cottage done up in no time. You’ll be getting, what, a new kitchen, new bathroom, and everything painted and new floors?”

“I’ve been thinking about that,” said Penny. “I’m going to leave it as it is until I find out why Alys Jones died. I think renovating it now will take me too far from Emma and Alys.”

She thought for a moment. “No, what I really mean is renovating it now will take them too far away from me. While everything is as they knew it, I can picture them there and feel close to them. When we know what happened to Alys, then I’ll be able to get on with the redecorating.”

Victoria touched her arm. “And move on. I understand. Oh, and speaking of moving on, I wondered what you’d think of the idea of incorporating a small flat into the spa for me on the top floor? I’ll have to move out anyway when we give up the lease on the salon and this way, we’ll have someone on the premises all the time. Good idea, yes?”

“Yes, good idea.”

“And you know, I also think we could have a reception room. If it were done properly, it could be used for corporate events and maybe even small weddings. We’ll have kitchen facilities so we could generate extra income by renting it out.”

“Oh, I do like the sound of that,” said Penny, adding, “and we might even be able to offer musical evenings. You could perform.”

An accomplished harpist, Victoria had performed in London until her recent move to Llanelen.

Smiling, they rejoined the anxious estate agent. After all this time, could today be my lucky day, he asked himself as he saw them approaching. He almost felt sorry for them. What could two middle-aged women possibly want with a rundown old building like this? Did they have any idea what they’d be taking on? Still, business is business, and in real estate the offers you least expect are often the best ones. Not to mention the only ones.

Penny finished up for the day and said good-bye to Victoria, leaving her to close the shop. As she walked home through the familiar streets, she realized that it was now well into September and she could feel the evenings beginning to draw in. The sun was setting that much sooner now, and it wouldn’t be long until she would be getting out her warm clothes, including her favourite sweaters that had been unworn for months, waiting for their time to come again.

The artist in her loved the colours of fall, the rich reds and browns of turning leaves. While Wales did not have the extravagant display of leaf colours she had known as a child

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