A Brush with Death: A Penny Brannigan Mystery - By Elizabeth J. Duncan Page 0,22

to fetch Bethan’s drink.

“Here you go,” she said a few moments later, handing her a frosty glass of tonic water. “There was even a slice of lemon going spare.” She looked eagerly at the whiteboard.

“Are you going to set it up now and show us what you have?” she asked.

“No, I am not! We’ll do that after dinner, which smells delicious, by the way. I haven’t seen you and Victoria in ages, and I’ve been looking forward to this meal all day, so we’re going to save the business part until after!”

Penny gave a little whimper of disappointment.

“You two can sit down,” Victoria called from the kitchen. “I’ll just bring things through.”

A few minutes later they were enjoying their meal of tarragon chicken with rice and steamed vegetables.

“This looks wonderful,” exclaimed Bethan as she reached across the table to take the bowl of vegetables from Penny.

“It would have been even better,” said Victoria with a pointed look in Penny’s direction, “with a salad. But someone seems to have forgotten it.”

“Oh, that reminds me,” said Penny, jumping up. “You’re right, I did forget the salad, but I picked up fresh bread rolls at the bakery. I’ll just pop them in the oven for a few minutes. Be right back.”

“Alywnne is coming over for dessert and coffee and to hear your presentation,” Victoria told Bethan. “She’s also meant to be bringing what she’s dug up on Alys Jones.” She lowered her voice. “Penny is going to be totally obsessed with this until she finds out what happened. She’ll be like a terrier with her head down a rabbit hole.”

Bethan nodded.

“What were you saying?” asked Penny as she slid back into her seat and set down a basket of warm rolls.

“Victoria was just saying Alywnne’s coming over,” Bethan replied and, with a sharp nod in Penny’s direction, added, “let’s leave it there for now. Let me enjoy my dinner in peace. Now then, tell me about your plans for the new spa. I hope you’ll be offering massages.”

“Massages, possibly,” said Penny. “Tanning, absolutely not.”

Victoria nodded.

“We’ll be going over the building in a few days. It’s been empty so long it’s going to need masses of work, but from the outside it has wonderful potential. I’m not sure about all the uses it’s been put to over the years, but when I was a girl and used to visit Llanelen, it was a men’s hostel. I heard somewhere that in the old days it was a coaching inn. Anyway, it’s a beautiful stone building and I’m really looking forward to seeing the inside of it.”

Bethan laid down her fork and sighed.

“Would you like seconds?” Victoria asked. “There’s lots more.”

“No, thanks,” said Bethan, holding up a hand. “But it was delicious. I don’t get home-cooked meals very often, so I really enjoyed it. It was a treat.” She smiled at Victoria in a satisfied way that made her look like a teenager.

They sat for a moment contemplating the remains of the meal. When Victoria stood up and reached for the platter of leftover chicken, Penny and Bethan exchanged quick glances.

“I’ll clear this away,” said Victoria, catching their meaning, “while the two of you get on with it. Penny’s dying to see what you’ve got.”

“Right,” said Penny, jumping up. “What would you like me to do?”

“Help me make sure the whiteboard is steady,” said Bethan, “and then I’ll put up a few photos.”

As they lifted the board onto the easels, a knock on the front door brought Victoria from the kitchen. “I’ll get it,” she said, setting a teapot on the table as she walked by. “It’ll be Alwynne, no doubt.”

It was, but she wasn’t alone.

“Hello, we met out front and thought we’d come in together,” Davies said as he and Alwynne entered. “Hope you don’t mind, but I thought I’d just listen in. Don’t mind me. I’ll just sit quietly at the back and not get in anyone’s way. It’s Bethan’s show.”

“Actually, you can help us move the furniture, if you would,” said Penny, when the greetings were over. “Let’s push the sofa against this wall and put the display here so we can all see it properly.”

“Tea and chocolate cake on the table for those who want it!” called Victoria.

“I’d love a cup,” said Davies. “Shall I be mother?”

“Yes, do.” Victoria laughed. “Here are the spoons.”

A few minutes later Bethan took her place in front of the whiteboard. Penny sat on the sofa, with her notebook open on her lap. Victoria and Alwynne sat

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