Brothersong (Green Creek #4) - T.J. Klune Page 0,97

jerked his head again, and I threw my pillow at him.

From somewhere below, I heard Gordo say, “Maybe we should have left them in Minnesota. We need to soundproof that room so I don’t have to hear if they start screwing. I’m already scarred enough as it is.”

“Fuck you, Gordo!” I shouted. “I’m not going to—Gavin, you’re ripping my pants off!”

Gordo sighed deeply.

Gavin looked pleased with himself, holding my pants in his mouth. He shook his head side to side, letting them flap around his head before he dropped them on the floor. He put his front paws up on the bed. I tried to kick him off, demanding that he stay on the floor. But he was a three-hundred-pound timber wolf, and he was apparently going to do whatever the hell he wanted. He climbed up and over me, his back paw nearly squashing my junk before he settled on my legs, turning so he faced the door. He lowered his head and closed his eyes.

“Get off me.”

He didn’t react.

I tried to move my legs. I couldn’t. “Gavin, I mean it.”

He opened one eye scornfully.


He growled and closed his eye again.

“Fine. Whatever. Do what you want. I don’t care.”

He huffed out a breath like he thought I was full of shit. Which, to be fair, I pretty much was, but I still had to save face somehow.

I closed my eyes again, planning on resting just for a moment until I could clear my head.

A moment later I was asleep.

My dreams were green, and I ran with wolves.

I WAS GROGGY WHEN I WOKE. The sunlight had moved from the floor to the wall, which meant it was late afternoon. Gavin was breathing slowly, his tongue lolling out onto my leg, my shin wet with his spit.

“Gross,” I muttered.

I heard someone chuckle.

I looked over to see Mom sitting in the chair at my desk, her legs folded underneath her.

“This isn’t what it looks like,” I told her.

She shrugged. “Sure. Though you should know that excuse has never worked on me.”

“What’s going on?” I tried to sit up, but Gavin moved in his sleep until he was lying on my knees. My shins were probably crushed, and I’d never walk again.

“I was watching you sleep.”

“Mom,” I groaned. “That’s creepy.”

She smiled. “Is it? I hadn’t noticed. Besides, I’m allowed. I’m your mother.”

I waved my hand at her. “How long have you been sitting there?”

“A few minutes.”

“Oh, that’s not—”

“I lied. An hour.”


“Consider it penance for leaving.”

I sighed. “That’s… fair. Still creepy.”

“I never claimed not to be.” She nodded toward Gavin. He was twitching in his sleep. “Is he all right?”

I looked back at the ceiling. “I don’t know. It’s gonna be slow going. He’s been a wolf for years. You heard him. It’s easier. I don’t even know how he managed to shift back in the first place back in Caswell.”

“Really,” Mom said dryly. “You have no idea what would have caused him to shift back. No idea at all.”

“I’m going back to sleep,” I announced. I closed my eyes. Then, “You’re still watching me, aren’t you.”

“No, of course not. I’m watching Gavin.”

“Mom!” I turned my head to look at her again. She was laughing quietly into her hand. “You’re not funny.”

“I’m hilarious. I’ve always thought so. Just because you don’t appreciate my sense of humor doesn’t make it untrue. Your hair is long.”

“Didn’t have enough time to get it cut,” I muttered.

“Kelly told me you had a beard. He referred to it as an infestation on your face.”

“I was busy.”

“Too busy to have basic hygiene?”


She stood from the chair and walked over to the bed. She leaned over me, her hand pressed against my forehead. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

My eyes stung. “I think so.”

“Was it worth it?”


She said, “I think it was. In the end. I’m not happy with the way you went about it, and you’re grounded for the rest of your natural life, but I’m so very proud of you. I don’t know if he’s ever had someone fight for him as hard as you have.”

“You can’t ground me,” I said weakly, her praise like a fire in my chest.

“Be that as it may, you’re still grounded. And though it may seem like I’m not angry with you, don’t be fooled. Once the happiness at your safe return quiets down, I’m going to yell at you. Scream, even. Do you believe me?”

I nodded.

“Good.” She leaned down and kissed above my right eye. “Get up. Everyone is waiting.” Copyright 2016 - 2024