Brothers in Blue A Bryson Family Christmas - Jeanne St. James Page 0,42

like the cold much anymore.”

“Time to go south, Mom,” Carly told Mary Ann.

“No! I have my whole family together, I’m not breaking it apart. And I would never miss the opportunity to be around the grandchildren.” Mary Ann leaned forward. “No offense, Leah. I don’t think your mother was happy up here. She wasn’t used to our small town ways.”

Leah put a hand on her belly. “She’ll head up when this one’s close to being born. I don’t think she wants to miss that, either.” She gave Carly a look and raised her eyebrows. “Only one person’s allowed in the room at the birthing center, right?”

“Uh...” Carly knew not only Ron and Mary Ann, but Leah’s mother would want to be there when baby number three was born. They tried getting in the last two times, but Leah had put her foot down. “Just the father.”

“There were more than that in the room when Levi was born,” Mary Ann complained.

“Those were special circumstances,” Carly said quickly. “And I was the doctor.”

“Honey, I’m sure Leah doesn’t want her in-laws to see her like that. Kind of like this morning.” Ron grinned.

Carly knew that grin. She glanced over at her sister-in-law. “What happened this morning?”

“Nothing we’re talking about,” Leah muttered and shot Carly a look.

“Oh...” Yes, Carly was now used to having so much family, there was always risk of getting caught in a compromising situation if they weren’t careful.

In fact, Ron had found her panties hanging from a ceiling fan one morning when he let himself into the house after she and Matt had sex. Carly had no idea how they got up there. They quickly learned to lock doors and pull blinds any time they got naked because they never knew who was just going to show up unannounced.

“I’m taking him inside.”

Teddy rushed over to hold the door open for her. “I started the coffee if you want any.” He followed her in and immediately began to unbuckle Levi. “Oh, I just want to pinch those chubby cheeks.”

Teddy removed Levi from the stroller, planted a loud kiss on one of those chubby cheeks, and held him as Carly peeled the baby out of his snowsuit and down to his onesie. He then carried Levi around the salon, giving him a tour. “I’m going to be the first one to cut those dark locks of yours. And if you ever want to be a hairdresser, Uncle Teddy will be glad to show you the ropes.”

“I’m sure Matt has other plans for him.”

“Let me guess. Joining the Marines and becoming a cop.” Teddy did an exaggerated yawn. “Same old song and dance.”

“It’s in the blood,” Carly reminded him.

“Yes, but this one’s blood’s a little different, so he needs to be an original. He needs to be the Bryson buck who broke rank.”

“I just want him to be healthy and happy.”

“Exactly what I wanted for Matty, too.” Teddy brought Levi back to her and she took her son from him. “And I was serious when I said I should be thanking you. You have made him as healthy and happy as he can be. I think you saved his life.”

Teddy wasn’t normally this serious, so hearing him subdued like that made Carly’s eyes burn and her nose sting. “Teddy,” she whispered.

“Well, it’s true. You became the most important member of this family. We might have lost him if it wasn’t for you taking him by the nuts and giving his life focus.”

Unfortunately, Teddy wasn’t the first to say that. “I worry about how the baby will affect his mental health. Even though he won’t admit it, sometimes hearing Levi cry takes him back there. I’ve seen his face and he does his best to fight it, but...” Her husband would always struggle with his PTSD and babies were one of his triggers. Seeing children devastated by war had scarred him deeply.

Teddy’s smile was sad as he stared at Levi in her arms. “He loves you. He loves his son.”

“Sometimes love isn’t enough.”

Teddy gave her a squeeze, careful of the baby. “It will be in this case.”

Carly hoped he was right.

“Now, today is supposed to be a happy day, so let’s stop being so morose. Matty will pull through for his family. He always does.” He got on his toes and planted a noisy kiss on Carly’s cheek. When he pulled back, his green eyes went wide. “Oh! I think I hear the marching band. I’ll be right outside, watching for the eldest Bryson Copyright 2016 - 2024