Brothers in Blue A Bryson Family Christmas - Jeanne St. James Page 0,21

Marc! Hi, Lee!” He waved again. “Do you stink? Are... are you taking a bath?”

“Yes, we’re just getting ready for the parade,” Leah explained loudly, so Greg could hear her through the double-paned window.

Greg bounced on his toes and wrung his hands together. “The parade! Max is in the parade!”

“Yeah, buddy, he is,” Marc answered. “I think Grandpa is trying to get your attention.”

Once Hannah began calling Ron Grandpa, Greg asked if he could call him Grandpa, too, along with calling Mary Ann, “Gramma.” And, of course, they were thrilled. Marc’s mother even shed a few tears at the request.

Greg ignored Ron’s shout. Then his father said something to his mother, who gathered the rest of the children and disappeared into a row of trees.

At least his mother listened.

Unlike Greg, who was oblivious to the situation.

“It’s snowing!” Greg yelled, his hands flapping with excitement and his eyes rolling. A huge smile covered his face. The man loved snow and he was the only one since he didn’t have to drive or work in it.

“Yeah, buddy, it is. Grandpa needs you to help pick out a tree.”

“Greg, go with Grandpa,” Leah encouraged.

“Are you taking a bath together?” Greg asked.

Marc’s eyes met his father’s amused ones as he strode across the snow-covered lawn toward them.

“Oh shit,” he muttered under his breath.

“Hey, Dad,” Leah greeted weakly as Ron stepped up to the window, not hiding his grin.

“Getting cleaned up?”

“Yep,” Marc answered his pop.

“Conserving water there, I see.”

“Yep,” Marc repeated.

“The environment will now be saved,” his father said with a nod. “We can all breathe a little easier.”

“Pop,” Marc ground out.

Ron turned his head and put a hand to his ear. “Sorry, what? Hard to hear you through the window in front of your Jacuzzi tub, even though those blinds are wide open.”

“Wasn’t expecting you to do your own little parade through the property today.”

Ron cocked an eyebrow. “Apparently.”

“Wasn’t this what your and Mom’s Christmas gift was about?”

His father pursed his lips. “Was it?”


Ron chuckled. “It was to give you all a break from the kids. I’m glad you’re taking full advantage of it.” He turned to Greg and grabbed the younger man’s shoulder. “Let’s go, Greg, before the kids pick out a lopsided tree. We can’t have that.”

“Can’t have that,” Greg parroted. He shot a last wave at them through the window. “Bye! Bye, Marc! Bye, Lee!”

“Bye, Greg,” they both answered at the same time.

“See you at the parade!” Greg shouted as Ron escorted him away with a firm grip on his shoulder.

Once they both disappeared into the trees, both Marc and Leah breathed easier.

“Hurry up and close the blinds so we can get out.” Leah glanced around. “Where’s the cock ring?”

“I dropped it in the water.” He stood up, the water sluicing off him, and pulled the blinds.

“Oh, thank goodness! I had this nightmare of Ron seeing it sitting on the edge of the tub.”

“Me, too. And that would be my luck. Open the drain.” He climbed out of the tub and held out his hand to her to help her out. “I’ll grab the wet vac since we flooded the bathroom.”

“And while you do that, I’ll make you breakfast. What do you want?” She stepped out of the tub and he held onto her since the tiles were wet.

“You. Across the kitchen table.”

She paused in front of him, tapping his cheek. “You’re very ambitious today.”

He dropped his head until their lips were almost touching. “Trying to make the most out of the time we were given.”

“I appreciate that, but your kid needs food.”

He released a dramatic huff. “Fine. We’ll eat first and then if we have time, I’ll take you on the kitchen table.”

“Or I’ll take you.” She said, giving him a quick kiss and pulling away.

He grabbed her wrist and stopped her from leaving the bathroom. “Hey.”

She paused and glanced over her shoulder. “What?”

“Thank you for putting up with me.”

She stared at him for the longest time, her face unreadable.

“And my family,” he quickly added.

“I only put up with you because you come with them,” she teased. Her face went soft. “But they’re my family, too. I can’t imagine life without them.”

“I could.”

She laughed and he watched his beautiful, naked, pregnant wife walk out the door.

Chapter Three

Matt & Carly

Carly turned over and her hand went out.


Matt’s side of the bed was empty. Shit.

She shot up in bed, willing her eyes to focus.

Had he had a nightmare again and disappeared?

Her gaze landed on his cell phone on the nightstand. Shit.

She couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024