Brothers in Blue A Bryson Family Christmas - Jeanne St. James Page 0,11

spotting the eyebolts where they used to hook it. His eyes dropped back to her and a wicked grin crossed his face.

“No,” she said immediately. “I’m too awkward right now. And if it crashed to the floor, it might hurt the baby.”

The grin morphed to a grimace. “Okay. Next Christmas.”

“Let’s just get through this one first, please.”

“You’re not naked, yet.”

“Neither are you!”

He dropped the box on the bed, yanked the Manning Grove PD sweatshirt over his head, threw it over his shoulder, then shucked his sweatpants and boxer briefs at the same time, dropping them to his bare feet.

He grabbed his cock and stroked it. “My wife is once again wrong. I am totally naked. It’s she who is not.”

Leah laughed and began to peel the camisole up over her belly. It fit like a second skin because Marc hated when she hid her body with anything loose, like normal maternity clothes. And she didn’t mind wearing the camisoles because that meant she didn’t have to wear a damn bra.

The less she wore when she was off-duty, the better. Being in uniform tended to be stifling some days. Especially when she was pregnant.

“A little help,” she asked as one of her larger-than-normal breasts got hung up in the built-in shelf-bra.

“I don’t know, baby, having you bound like that is giving me some ideas.”

“I’m not bound, I’m being smothered by cotton and Lycra.” The rest of the pink cami covered her head.

“I like it. I have full access to these puppies.” Fingers tweaked her sensitive nipples.



“You have nipple piercings for a reason. I can’t play with them if I’m stuck in this cami.”

“Good point.” He helped her get it the rest of the way off. “By the way, if I get a Prince Albert, will you play with that, too?”

As her head was freed, she cringed. “You are not sticking a big needle through the end of your cock. Because if something goes wrong, I’m out a cock and would need to find a new one. Just saying.” Just the thought of a man piercing the head of his penis gave her the willies.

“Another very good point since you’re stuck with mine.”

“Hmm. That’s debatable.”

He grabbed her chin and lifted it. “No, it isn’t. You’re stuck with me for life, remember? ‘Til death do us part?”

“Oh. I think I missed that part because of Teddy strutting around during our wedding trying to attract Adam with a peacock mating dance. It was very entertaining.”

“You mean you didn’t hear the part where you were to obey me?”

She knew those words had been removed from the vows. “Can’t say I did.”

“Well, you agreed right there in front of witnesses. So, you can’t back out of that contract. You’re stuck with me until death and you must obey me.”

“We shall see.”

“You still have pants on.”

She hooked her fingers into her PJ bottoms and shoved them down, along with her panties. “Not anymore.”

“That’s more like it.”

Leah stretched. “It’s so nice to be naked and not worry about the boys barging in. I might stay that way until we need to go over to your parents’ tomorrow morning.”

“You have the parade.”

“Do you think anyone would mind?” she asked.

“You might get frost bitten.”

“Then I’ll just stay home.”

“No. Mom and Pop might need help with the kids and Greg.”

“Greg is good with the kids.”

“Greg is a kid,” he reminded her.

Even at thirty-two years old, Amanda’s special needs brother was just as much of a kid as the rest. He always had a blast playing with the boys. And their boys loved Greg to death. So did Hannah and Oliver. Greg was more like their sibling than uncle.

“Just go, please,” Marc pleaded. “I’ll be walking the crowd, but the three boys and Greg are a lot for them to handle and they won’t admit it.”

“I’m sure Amanda and Carly will be there. And Teddy.”

Marc tipped his head. “Adam, Matt and I will be working so we can have Christmas Day off.”

“Wait, when is the thing?”

“The thing?”

“What Adam has planned.”


“We all need to be there.”

“We will. Everyone without the name of Bryson is taking shifts tomorrow just for that reason, you know that.”

“Oh yeah. Baby brain.” That’s right, everyone else on the force was stepping in so none of them had to work Christmas. Though, the shifts would be light since Christmas was usually a slow day.

Hopefully that remained true tomorrow.

He pressed a hand to her belly. “After this one you can’t use that excuse anymore.”

“I won’t need that excuse, remember?”

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