Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,47

can get some sleep. Hopefully, the dreams will give me peace for at least this one night.


“Sit up,” my father says as he sits at the head of the table. His eyes and demeanor are cold. “You will always sit straight. When people see you slouch, they think you’re weak. You are a Pérez. We have no weakness.”

I sit up quickly, not wanting to disappoint him. I want him to like me. He has to like me, or I can’t stay. I want to stay with him. I have no one else.

“How was school? Are you learning anything there?”

“Yes, sir. I’m learning.”

He drops his fork and knife. His expression seems hurt for a second. He goes to say something, but his hand is covered, drawing my attention to the older woman sitting across from me.

“Give her time, Eliam. She will come around,” she says gently. Abuela, she’s always gentle with me.

I wrinkle my brows in confusion, knowing I’ve done something wrong, but not knowing what. My stomach tightens. I’m so nervous, but I won’t show it. I’ll be just like him. I won’t show emotions. That will make him like me.

“I have work to do,” my father says and stands.

He pauses beside me for a long moment. I sit nervously, thinking I’m in trouble for something. However, he pats the top of the chair I’m sitting in and walks away.

“Roni,” my grandmother calls.


“How about you start to call your father, Papi or daddy? Do you think you can do that?”

My heart swells at the thought of being able to do so. I’ve been so nervous; not knowing how he will react. It’s only been a month since I’ve been here.

“Yes. I can do that.”

“Sí, ustedes dos estarán bien.”

I wake with a gasp. Running a hand through my hair, I try to hold onto the dream. Were her words true? Were me and my father ever fine?

It bothers me so much that I can’t remember. All I have are these pieces I get in my dreams. It’s not enough to tell me much, they only give me more questions.


Chapter 19

Breaking Rules


“I don’t know about this. They watch our every move. You’re not going to get out of here without them catching you,” Torque says nervously.

I mess his hair and kiss the top of his head as he sits at the desk in my room. “You watch and see. I can be determined when I want to be,” the words float out without me thinking, but I know them to be true by instinct.

He turns his head up to look at me and that adorable blush is on his face. “What do you plan to do when we get there?”

“Who said anything about we?” I frown at him.

“You might need me.”

“Need you to stay right here and continue learning. I’m not leaving for good. Not yet.”

“I don’t like it,” he says and pouts.

I tap his nose. “You don’t have to. You’re staying here. My plan only works if you’re here covering my ass.”

“Why do you have to go?”

I freeze. I’ve given John enough time to contact me. Okay, it’s been a day. The phone came this morning. I haven’t called him because if he sent the phone, he has to have the number. He should be the one to reach out, not me.

However, I want to know the truth. Is his brother really in some type of trouble or did he leave because of what happened between us—or should I say what didn’t happen between us. Whatever the case may be, I want to hear it from his mouth face to face.

Which is why I had Torque track him down and I’ll be purchasing a plane ticket to Seattle. That much he told the truth about. Torque was able to trace his credit card there. He’s staying at some swanky hotel.

Curiosity is killing me. Why a hotel? What’s going on with his brother? Why leave and not say something?

I trusted him and he left. I don’t like the way that feels. So, I’m going to get answers.

“You have training in the morning. You should head to bed. You’re doing so good. Thanks for the help,” I say.

He stands and tugs me into a hug. I force myself to relax and hug him back. I think this kid has grown since we’ve been here. I’m sure he’s about an inch or two taller now.

“Be safe. I… I don’t want to lose you too.”

I cup his cheek. “Hey, I’m going to be fine. I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024