Bronco (EEMC #1) - Bijou Hunter Page 0,97

Between their rides, beer, sports, and maybe tools, the men ought to have enough conversation topics to survive the visit without mentioning anything that might piss off anyone.

After the girls and I change into swimsuits, we head for the back door.

“I need to pee,” Shelby says. “I’ll meet you outside.”

I know immediately that she’s up to something. Shelby Campbell is not subtle when she’s got shenanigans on the brain. I wonder if her swimsuit is printed with an inappropriate image. Whatever she has planned, I walk out to the back porch where Max looks around.

“This is really pretty.”

I force Max into a hug and smile. “Bronco is really sweet. The other day he brought me flowers. No reason. Just picked them up while he was running errands. Ten years with Kenny, and he never got me a single flower.”

“Are people nice to you?”

“Yes. The ones who aren’t polite will get a talking-to from Bronco. He’s protective, Max. Like how River is with you. I didn’t know men could be like that until I moved into the Victorian and saw River and Shane and then Goliath.”

My sister settles down a little. “I felt safe with how things were. River’s family is great, but having you and Mom close was important. Now you’re really far away.”

“The drive feels shorter each time.”

Max fakes a smile. I know some of her moodiness is genuine fear over my move, but she’s also a hormonal mess. Plus, she’s still getting the hang of being a wife, mom, and business owner.

There were days back in Shasta when I thought my sister was seconds from freaking the fuck out. Then River would say something or her friends would do something. Mom and I helped too. And Max would get her confidence back. I know she’ll find a way to be okay with me living in Elko. She just needs time to adjust.

“Oh, crap. I just realized what Shelby put in the trunk,” Max mutters as Desi opens the back, sliding glass door for Shelby and Goliath.

“I come bearing gifts,” Shelby announces, walking outside with two red, plastic pails. Goliath follows her with two of his own. After they set them down, my friend smiles devilishly. “Now, these aren’t filled with whiskey. After all, I was raised not to waste booze. Water will have to do.”

“No,” I say, pointing at her and thinking about running.

“You’re worried about something, and it’s my job to traumatize you into getting over it.”

“I said no, Shelby Campbell.”

She only laughs, knowing I’m no match for her wicked spirit.

“I will stop being your friend,” I lie, almost desperate enough to hide behind Desi. Realizing that’s an evil move, I act as a shield for my daughter.

“What’s happening?” she asks, poking her head out and grinning at Shelby.

“We’re playing war. You can be on my team. Sidonie, you’re on Lana’s. This here is what we call back in my part of the world, a water balloon fight.”

Sidonie walks over and picks up two pails and brings them to where I stand. “Don’t be scared.”

“They’re just children,” I whine to Shelby.

“It’s just water,” she whines back. “No, seriously, you’re too agitated over this thing. I’m going to help you. Max, you should hide in the hotshot grill area.”

“I’m throwing them too?” Desi asks, confused as she picks up a blue balloon.

“Yes, you’re on my team. We’re going to throw them at your mom and Sidonie. They’ll throw theirs at us. We’ll all get wet, and then we’ll eat ice cream.”

“I don’t have any ice cream,” I say, and Shelby frowns.

“You knew we were coming, Lana. Not cool.”

“I think I hear the baby.”

“Carina can’t save you,” Shelby says and lobs a balloon at my stomach.

I literally squeal when it nails me, exploding water over my legs.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, right?” Shelby asks.

Narrowing my eyes, I grab a balloon. “You’re the worst.”

I throw my balloon and miss. Shelby smiles until Desi hits her in the butt with a water balloon.

“Hey, you’re on my team.”

Desi shrugs. “That’s my mom, though.”

“Traitor,” Shelby grumbles and then gets hit by Sidonie.

“I’m sorry,” the girl says and then smiles at Desi.

“This is not cool, people of Elko.”

“Get the Shasta troublemaker!” Summer yells from an upstairs window.

We all start unleashing balloons at Shelby, who runs and hides behind Goliath.

“I didn’t want to be a part of this,” he mutters and crosses his arms.

“I gave you a kid!” Shelby cries. “Now be my human shield.”

Shelby doesn’t waste time throwing balloons at the girls. She only Copyright 2016 - 2024