Bronco (EEMC #1) - Bijou Hunter Page 0,85

hour, and I wonder what she’s doing for so long. I consider checking but worry she might have diarrhea and is hiding in the guest bathroom.

I end up staying put, and she eventually returns. The two women leave without saying a word, more accustomed to this house than I am.

Then the next night, I’m outside with the four girls when I hear Harleys rolling into the driveway. After giving me a kiss, Bronco goes inside to enjoy “guy time.” Then he just disappears.

The motorcycles remain in the drive, but Bronco and the men are nowhere to be found. I think to ask Sidonie or Summer where their father went, but I’m afraid to look stupid if the answer is obvious.

Hours later, I’m in the family room, watching a movie with the girls while I give Carina a bottle. Suddenly, the men file out of the hallway where the guest room is located and tell us good night. Giving up on feeling left in the dark, I follow Bronco to the kitchen while cradling the baby.

“Where did you go?”

“I told you the guys were coming over,” he says, teasing Carina’s feet. “I figure hanging out at the house is better than going to Rooster’s.”

“I understand that, but where did you go?” I whisper.

When Bronco’s expression goes blank, I know he thinks I’m an idiot. Then he smiles softly.

“Baby, you know there’s a basement in this house, don’t you?”

I glance back toward the magical hallway where people disappear for hours. “No.”

Bronco chuckles. “I thought the girls had told you. Come on, I’ll give you a tour.”

I leave Carina with Summer, who watches “Zathura” with the younger girls. Then Bronco leads me down the mystery hallway. At the end is a stairwell to the finished basement.

Holding my hand, he explains, “There’s a game room, media room, kitchen, the gym, and a couple extra bedrooms on this level.”

Hitting the bottom step, I realize how they stayed busy for so long and why the maid needed an hour to clean. At one end of the large main area is a full kitchen. Located nearby are a few dark leather couches and two pool tables. Bronco shows me the media room with three rows of seats and a screen on the wall. There’s even a popcorn machine.

Next, Bronco takes me to the gym that I immediately plan to use to get back in shape. Then we check out the three small bedrooms and two bathrooms.

“Why did you need so much room for only three of you?”

Bronco shrugs. “Never know how things might go in the future. I didn’t plan any of my kids. And look at how many people ended up at that grandma house you lived in. Better to have too much space than not enough.”

“I was so confused about where you went. I imagined the bunch of you hiding in the guest room,” I say, laughing behind my hand. “I feel so dumb.”

A smiling Bronco strokes my back. “I assumed Sidonie would have told you. Not that she uses the basement much. Summer does have her friends spend the night at least once a month. They hang out down here, feeling like big shits for having a kitchen to themselves and the movie room.”

Bronco gives me a kiss. “And we’ll have space for when your family visits for the holidays. Again, better to have extra room than for people to be piled on top of each other. I grew up in a house with one bedroom. My sisters and I slept out on the enclosed porch. Not a moment’s privacy or peace.”

“I’m glad you did this for yourself,” I whisper, sliding my hands up his shirt. “You deserve everything after you worked your way out of that life.”

Bronco gives me a weird smile as if he thinks I’m fucking with him. Then he seems to remember who I am and how I love him. His smile turns normal.

“I should have taken you on a tour of the house. Don’t know why it never occurred to me.”

“Well, I want to reward you for showing me everything,” I whisper, popping the button on his jeans and kneeling down. “I also want to taste you, and we have a moment alone.”

Bronco considers saying no. He prefers when we can both get off. Before he can shut down this fun, I have his cock out and my lips wrapped around the head. I know he’ll repay me later. Bronco’s great in bed. For a man accustomed to being Copyright 2016 - 2024