Bronco (EEMC #1) - Bijou Hunter Page 0,63


Sidonie glances at Desi watching us. The girls giggle for whatever reason and then start bouncing again.

“I’ll be a good friend,” Sidonie promises before heading for the sunporch’s door.

The weather is perfect for a day outside. I check on Bronco to make sure he’s okay with the baby. He cradles her with one arm and walks around his office. Our gazes meet, and I hope he can see how happy I feel.

Sidonie and Desi sink into the pool, where they play for hours. I keep expecting them to get bored, but they change up their activities. Sometimes, they swim back and forth on the shallow side. Other times, they play a game where they drop a toy and take turns swimming down to get it. I realize Sidonie’s teaching Desi how to hold her breath. I join them in the pool for a while and then let them goof around alone. They talk quietly on the steps when they get tired, but they don’t leave the pool.

I sit nearby, admiring this beautiful house and yard. I can’t imagine living here all the time. The Victorian is a gorgeous place too but feels tight and dark. It was built for a different time. The backyard in Shasta is flat land for the dogs with woods near the property line.

Bronco designed his yard for kids and entertaining. The kitchen out here is nice enough to satisfy my chef little sister. There are three long wooden tables off the main patio, and I try to picture his friends over for parties. I’ll have to meet those people. Living in Elko isn’t only sharing Bronco’s bed and swimming in his pool. I’ll have to know a new group of people that might be more Barbie than Topanga on the fun meter.

“Daddy, are you going to swim?” Sidonie asks when Bronco appears outside without Carina.

“Later, maybe. When it’s not so hot.”

Sidonie hugs Desi and smiles at Bronco, just in case he missed how happy she was about her new friend. Squatting down next to me in a lounge chair, he sighs.

“I don’t know what sight I find more satisfying—my happy child or your bare legs shining in the sun?”

“That’s an easy one.”

“You’re only saying that because you don’t know how hard my dick is right now,” he murmurs and then gives me a quick kiss.

“Where’s Carina?”

“Inside with your hungover mom.”

“Should I go help?”

“No, Lineke seems fine, and I know she slept and ate well. Enough time around Topanga will make anyone logy.”

“You said your sisters would be over today.”

“Later, they’ll bring dinner.”

“Do you ever cook?”

Bronco stands and smiles at me. “Nope. I’ll grill, and I’ll microwave, but I don’t cook. Not even a can of soup. I’m lazy in the kitchen.”

“Well, I’m not much of a cook, either.”

“Then it’s a good thing the club owns a few restaurants, isn’t it?” he says, giving me a wink before focusing on the girls.

I watch Bronco ask them questions. He doesn’t rush Desi to get to her point. I think of how he said he didn’t want to be a dad to Summer. How he fought those feelings. Once he embraced his role, he seems to have taken to it completely. He effortlessly charms Desi, who just wants people to hear her, even if she always seems to tell the same stories.

A feeling takes hold of me as I watch him. A realization, I guess, that I’m home. Bronco is what I’ve needed for most of my life—that strong stability I lacked growing up and could never find as an adult. When he says something will be okay, I can’t help trusting him.

That’s how I know I’m in love with Bronco already, and my heart’s never felt stronger.


I’m accustomed to getting my way. That explains why I have trouble accepting Lana’s leaving Elko for five days. Yesterday was one of the best days I’ve had in as long as I can remember. Even when my sisters showed up with Italian for dinner, they behaved. I think Barbie and Bambi realize I’m going all-in with Lana. They’ve given me shit for years over my inability to find a woman. Now I have, and they understand not to fuck that up.

After dinner, we sat outside and listened to Willie Nelson while the girls played. Summer graced us with her presence, sitting on the edge of the pool and screwing around on her phone. Carina sat in my lap, her back to my stomach, her bare feet kicking my hands when Copyright 2016 - 2024