Broken Trust(Devastation Duet #2) - Winter Paige Page 0,45


“The restraints.” My chin trembles as a tear falls from my eye. “I thought you were going to hurt me. I saw pictures from Puckett, and I thought-“

“No, absolutely not.” He runs a hand down my cheek, and I force myself not to pull away. “I love you. I’m not a sick pervert like they were. I waited for you. You’re a woman now. If I let you out, you have to promise to do as I say. If you don’t, if you run, I will kill him. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” I tremble, earning me a smile from him, and he goes to work, freeing me. Of course, he would like that. Gross.

Helping me to stand, he pulls my body against his, “Better?”

“Much,” I whimper.

“I can’t wait. I want you now.” He leans to kiss me, but I interrupt him.

“Please, can I check on Abel? I won’t be able to focus on us-” I could puke. “-if I don’t know he’s okay.” Richard looks angry, but I explain. “He’s my family, Richard. My big brother.”

“Your brother. Well I must apologize now because your brother put up one hell of a fight. I had to shoot him.” He shrugs, chuckling.

“You what?!” I shriek. Who just shoots another person like it’s nothing?

“Calm down, sweet girl. It’s just a leg. I do love that temper, though.” He smirks, laughing aloud at my wide eyed expression.

“Just a- for fucks sake. Take me to him,” I huff out, exasperated. I know I should be playing this sweeter, but seriously? Plus, he seems entertained by me. When he arches a brow, I pout. “Please?”

Amused, he shakes his head, running his thumb over my bottom lip. “How could I say no to those lips? We have to hurry. I need to feel them around my cock.”

Shit. Yes, he’s hot, but he’s old enough to be my father, and he’s clearly insane. How had we not seen this before?

Taking my hand, he leads me into the living room where Abel lays, bound at the arms and legs, on a blood soaked carpet.

Rushing to his side, I cry out. “Abel? Abel, talk to me. Please, be okay.” He grunts, and I pull the tape from his mouth.

“Run,” he whispers.

“Never.” I stare into his eyes. “I will never abandon you. You know better.”

“Darlin’, please.”

“No,” I hiss and then turn, knowing exactly how to get what I need from a man like Richard even if it will cost me later. Widening my eyes in vulnerable desperation and feeding into his ego, I beg. “Please, baby, get me something to help him. Don’t let him die.”

Sighing, he smiles down at me. “Okay, sweet girl, but what do I get?”

“Huh?” I play dumb. “What do you mean?”

“You, I want you, Eliana. Today. Here.” He points to the couch to our right.

“Fuck that. No. Absolutely not. No!” Abel yells, fighting against his ties.

“Please calm down,” I whisper, placing a hand on his face, but startle when I hear Richard stomping toward us.

“I fucking warned him to keep quiet!”

“No!” I scream when he pulls back his leg to kick. I quickly place myself between his approaching foot and Abel, and everything goes black when his shoe connects with the back of my head.

“Wake up. You have to get away, Angel.” Another soft whisper as a sweet breath fans across my face. “Wake up!”

Slowly blinking awake, I attempt to shake away the fog and remember what happened. I am startled at how desperate Richard looks, stomping back and forth, yanking at his hair. How long was I out? Eyes connecting with mine, he rushes to my side.

“My God! Are you okay? Why would you do that?” He shakes me, rattling my already aching head.

“Abel?” I need to see that he’s okay.

“He’s fine, see? Good as new. I even fixed him up for you.” I look over to see Abel secured to a chair with a white cloth tied tightly around his leg.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“You okay, Darlin’?” Abel rasps.

“Yeah, Abel. I’m good.”

“It’s time. Sign this, sweet girl!” Richard claps.

“Sign what?” I look down, gasping at the already notarized marriage license. “How did you-“

“It’s amazing the kinds of favors you gather as a lawyer, especially when ninety percent of your clients have things to hide.” He grins, wiping a white residue from his nose.

“This can’t be legal.” How high is he?

“I assure you it is, Eliana, and you will sign it. Now. See-” He leans over, signing his name to the document. “Now you. Do it, or he Copyright 2016 - 2024