Broken Trust(Devastation Duet #2) - Winter Paige Page 0,32

my arm once, pausing when I hear laughter, and lean forward to glance out my window. Costin walks towards the kitchen door with his arm slung around yet another brunette. So it’s a party night, great. He looks up at my window, and our eyes connect briefly before I turn away. I can’t have him. Being with him is a betrayal to Joshua. So why shouldn’t Costin have her? I told him to find better.

I don’t even notice that I have dug the piece of glass deeper into my arm until I feel the warm blood dripping from my fingers. Fuck, looks like I do still bleed, but the giggling girl breaks the spell. Pissed off, I quickly grab a towel, wrap it around my arm, knotting it in place, and march from my room. Want to move on? Want to pretend that none of this has happened? Fine, but I am done letting them lock me away as if I don’t exist while they party below my feet. The faithful fiancée. The obedient daughter. It’s time they see what I’ve truly become. I’m already dressed for a night out. I guess the basement will do.

I walk into the main room and… gross… so many dicks. Old dicks, young dicks, fat dicks, thin dicks, lots of unimpressive dicks, and there are at least 3 girls for each one. This gets more disgusting every time. Holding my head high, I storm across the room, searching for the guys and growing colder with each step. This is what they left me for? This was more important than I was?

“Another one? Fuck this.” A brunette pushes me from behind. “I am not competing with this prissy ass slut for Costin’s attention. Andrew said he’s mine tonight.”

I turn, studying the girl, noticing our similarities. How often do they bring in girls that look like me?

“I said get out, skank!” She pushes me.

“Back the fuck up, bitch. Trust me, I wouldn’t kneel for any of these dudes. He’s yours. I just have some shit to handle, and I’m out.” I stand my ground.

She steps back like she is going to leave but spins, spitting on the front of my three thousand dollar Dolce and Gabbana mini dress, then jumps at me, knocking us both to the floor. As soon as we hit the ground, I roll out from under her, straddling her hips and throwing fist after fist until her struggles have slowed to nothing more than whimpered begs. Don’t start shit you can’t handle, bitch.

Standing up, I look down on her with a curled lip. “Now we don’t look anything alike. You’re welcome.”


“Who are-” I am interrupted by yelling at the other end of the room.

“Fuck!” Douglass yells as the girl clings to the man holding her. “There goes that. We’re out of here. They don’t perform in this kind of chaos. Call me when your shit is under control. Come on, we’ll finish this at home.” Douglass hands them both long coats and ushers them towards the stairs.

Before I can stop him, I hear Eliana’s scream, and everything but her is immediately forgotten. I push through the crowd, quickly catching up with Jaxx and Abel running up from the subbasement where they were helping Andrew with an interrogation.

“Move!” I shout and freeze when I finally see her. No, not my Eliana. Not again.


“Fucking move. Move!” I hear Costin yell as Jaxx and Abel help to push through the gathered crowd to get to me. I wanted to make them see me; here’s my chance. Go big, or go home, Eliana. Reaching around to my back, I slowly pull down the zipper, allowing the straps of my dress to fall from my shoulders, sliding down my arms, pooling at my feet, and step out of it. “You ruined my dress, bitch. May as well use it to clean yourself up.” I turn to my guys, who have frozen, and look each one in the eyes, refusing to be ignored another second. With my head held high, shoulders back, and wearing nothing but a tiny black thong, I own the room. “You’re late, again.” Then, I turn, walking towards the stairs to the main floor, passing Richard on my way out, and causing him to choke on his drink. Great, Daddy will be thrilled.

“Munchkin, wait.” Jaxx reaches for my arm, but I pull away, noticing Costin and Abel stayed behind. I know that the others can’t follow me, but it still hurts. I want my Copyright 2016 - 2024