Broken Trust(Devastation Duet #2) - Winter Paige Page 0,14

are you wearing?!” I have to know. I bet they are his. Don’t be his. She needs to change.

“Of all the questions.” Abel shakes his head.

She smiles down at the t-shirt and sweats double knotted at the waist and rolled at the ankles, running a hand over them fondly. “Someone who helped me chase away the shadows and find a bit of calm.”

Jaxx and I grumble while Abel smirks. “Didn’t seem calm to me, Darlin’. Looked like a tornado hit you.”

“Abel!” she shrieks, and then incredibly, she laughs. “It was calm… in between.”

“I might puke.” I cough.

“Fantastic,” Jaxx growls. “Now I have another stop to make.”

“Listen to me, both of you!” she snarls, “If either of you go near him, I will never forgive you. Ever. Understand? He is an amazing man, and he was there for me when neither of you were. I won’t let another life suffer because I touched it. I’m not a child anymore, so stop!”

“Okay, Munchkin. Just, was he… good to you? Respectful?” Jaxx huffs, pushing back his hair.

“The best. He saved me.” She looks to Abel.

“I hate it, but I have to admit he impressed me.” Abel nods.

“Cos?” she questions.

“Him, Princess?” I force an amused grin. “You’re choices are questionable, but okay. Besides, he’s headed to LA.” I laugh as she runs at me.

“You already knew!” Launching herself onto my back, she wraps her arms around my neck. “He’s dreamy… and way better than basement whore,” she adds, whispering, “and don’t forget I chose you once upon a time… might want to watch your insults.” Hopping down, she places a quick kiss on my cheek then runs to join Jaxx. “Guess I’m yours now.”

I flinch. “Ready for this, E?”

“Hell yes! It’s time we take control of their games!” She snaps her helmet, wrapping her small arms around Jaxx. He places a hand on her arm, rubbing it for a moment before returning it to the handlebar and heading in the direction of home.

As I ride behind them, my soul screams. I still choose you, Princess. Always. Nevertheless, I push it away and focus. One thing at a time.

Chapter Six


Pulling up to our house, I don’t even wait for the driver to get my door before I am storming up the stairs to my daughter’s room. I have had all of my men out searching for her for over twelve hours. If she thinks for one second that I will let this go, she is mistaken. I stop outside her door when I hear Jaxxson’s raised voice.

“… Unacceptable, Eliana. I don’t care what your reasoning is. It was careless, and as your soon-to-be husband, I will not tolerate your disobedience. Your father and I agreed it was for the best. You could have been hurt, love. Don’t let it happen again, understood?” Jaxxson asserts, surprising me. Good.

“Yes, Jaxxson. No more drugs, please.” She wines. There’s the daughter I know.

“No more drugs. We have a wedding to plan and very little time.”

“Shopping?” she squeals.

“Shopping.” He chuckles.

I have heard what I needed to, so I knock once and walk in.

“You’re home, Poppet.” I narrow my gaze on her as she pouts.

“She is, Andrew. Seems our girl had decided to throw a bit of a tantrum.” Jaxx stands, placing a hand on the back of her neck, and uses his thumb to tilt her head, locking gazes with her. “However, that won’t be happening again. Will it, baby?”

“No, Jaxx.” She turns to me. “I’m sorry daddy. I didn’t like the meds, and I missed my friends.”

I cross the room, sitting beside her. “Something to tell me?”

“What do you mean, Daddy?” she smiles looking down at her feet.

“Perhaps you would prefer to sing it to me?” Jaxx growls as her eyes go wide. “Poppet, never again. You painted a bigger target on your back. You are not to leave this house again without clearance from Jaxxson or myself.”


“Eliana,” Jaxx says firmly, and she nods.

“All right, Daddy.” I raise a brow at Jaxx, and he laughs.

“Tell him the rest, baby.” He motions to her.

“Jaxx asked me to marry him.”

“And?” I raise a questioning brow.

“Look at my big ring, Daddy!” she holds out her hand. “So shiny. Oh! I need the black card. We’re going shopping.”

“Beautiful, Poppet. Tomorrow. Get some rest. It’s late. Jaxxson, I would like to speak to you in the hall.”

“Goodnight, Daddy. I love you.” She stands, heading to the bathroom with her clothes. “Jaxx?”

“I’ll be back.” He follows me into the hall.

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