Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,91

union cards. The whole thing even reminded me of a movie stunt. That got me thinking,” Skye said, poking Mason again as he took another step back. “Who in Hollywood would want me kidnapped? I thought it was Jim and Lenny, but it wasn’t. I thought they were just blowing smoke up my ass when they said they’d been worried about me, but they weren’t. They were worried because they really did receive those threats. Tell them, Mason.”

“Tell them what? I’m sorry, Skye. I know this has been very traumatic for you, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. Karri, talk some sense into her.” Mason held up his hands in supplication and looked sympathetically at her.

“Tell them who your agent is.”

Mason finally took in everyone around them. “Jim. Well, it was. I’m firing him over his abuse of you, though. You know that.”

“And tell them who your manager was before I arrived in town?”

The first worried look appeared across his face. “That doesn’t matter. That was years ago.”

“Then it shouldn’t matter who it was, so you can tell us without worry,” Granger said, his voice a monotone as he stared at Skye and Mason, giving nothing away of his thoughts.

“Lenny was, but he hasn’t been my manager in almost seven years.”

“You had access to Jim’s office and Lenny’s home address, so you knew when, where, and how to get those threats against me delivered to them.” Trent watched as Skye jabbed Mason in the chest again. She was leading up to something and that role as a defense attorney three movies ago seemed to have rubbed off on her as she began laying out her evidence.

“You live in the same gated community as I do. Granted, you’re not super close, but you could pin the threats on my gate without being seen. Another question, Mason.” Skye put her hands on her hips and glared. “Which private security firm do you use for bodyguards?”

“Now come on, Skye. Everyone who is anyone uses Star Power. What does that have to do with anything? I really think you need to go to the hospital. Something’s wrong with you, Skye.”

Skye had begun to raise some questions, but there wasn’t any evidence. It didn’t make sense. There was no reason for him to stage Skye’s kidnapping or send threatening notes.

“The only thing wrong with me is you,” Skye screamed as she raised her hands and shoved hard against his chest. Mason staggered back a step. The ball of his foot slipped back and he fell onto his stomach in the mud and wet grass. His feet were wet as they lay in the river and his face was first etched in disbelief and then into a rage so great Trent heard the loud hiss coming from him.

No, wait. That hiss wasn’t coming from Mason. It was coming from the alligator behind him.




Skye froze along with everyone else as the baby alligator wiggled free from under Mason’s armpit. When Mason went down, he landed on the baby gator that had been hiding in the mud and now Big Bertha was mad.

“Shit! Is that an alligator?” Mason tried to scramble up, but Trent knew Skye was onto something. He jumped forward and placed his foot on Mason’s back. “What are you doing? Let me up!”

“Did you try to kidnap Skye?” Trent demanded as the baby gator chirped and stood snout to nose with Mason. “I wouldn’t take too long in answering. That baby’s momma, Big Bertha, is right behind you and swimming in hot and fast.”

“No! I would never hurt Skye,” Mason yelled.

“I didn’t say hurt, you did. I asked if you hired these stuntmen tonight? Did you try to stage a kidnapping? Did you send those threats to her?” Trent demanded.

“Let me up!”

“Did you stage Skye’s kidnapping? Yes or no. Give me the truth and I’ll let you up.” Trent kept his calm, but it was hard as Big Bertha bore down on them.

“Screw you!” Mason shrieked. The baby gator didn’t like that at all and bit Mason’s nose. Mason’s scream soared like a mezzo-soprano as Big Bertha’s hiss turned into a prehistoric, guttural rumble.

“You better hurry. The truth, now.” Trent may have said it calmly, but he wasn’t feeling calm as the knitting club ladies all started backing up as quickly as possible.

“Yes! Okay? Yes. I planned the whole thing once I saw that Skye was getting all the publicity for our movie. It was all about Skye. I’m the action hero, damn Copyright 2016 - 2024