Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,77


Aiden went first and very dramatically pushed open the double doors to the courtroom. Skye was rewarded by the gasps and smartphones suddenly pointed at her. There were no flashes, which meant they were live-streaming this to the world.

“What the hell is this?” Jim hissed at no one in particular as Skye, Olivia, and the rest of the Hollywood entourage surprised the entire courtroom with their appearance. The few reporters in attendance were instantly on their phones and texting frantically. The courthouse would be packed with journalists within minutes.

“What’s this?” the judge asked as he couldn’t stop looking at Olivia.

“I’m Olivia Townsend, lead attorney on this case. I’m here to question Mr. Hexter.”

The judge looked back at Skye as she wheeled Olivia right up to the witness stand while everyone else silently filled every remaining seat in the courtroom. “And who are you? For the record?”

“Skye Jessamine. I am the plaintiff, Your Honor.”

The judge’s expression didn’t give away a thing as he cast a glance at Jim who was trying very hard not to look nervous. “Skye! Thank goodness you’re okay. After getting that note, we thought you were in danger.”

“You mean you thought your jobs were in danger after I started firing all the people you forced me to hire?” Skye shot back. The judge banged his gavel and pointed for her to take a seat. Skye walked toward her table and Henry winked as he pulled out the chair for her while Tandy smiled serenely. Skye took a seat between them and was sure she hadn’t taken a breath since she entered the room.

“Mr. Hexter, what is Star Power Private Security?” Olivia asked.

“They’re a very well-known security company in Hollywood that protects studios, top actors, and industry personnel,” Jim replied.

“Have you ever hired them?” Olivia asked.

“Yes. I’m sure everyone in Hollywood has at some point.”

“What have you hired them for?”

“Objection!” Bernie said, standing. “Star Power Private Security holds no relevancy to Miss Jessamine’s contract with Mr. Hexter.”

“Your Honor, I ask for a little leeway. I think I’ve earned it after all I’ve gone through.”

Skye waited for the judge to rule. He looked down at the bruised and battered Olivia and then nodded. “Overruled. Go ahead, Miss Townsend, but get to the point.”

“Thank you,” Olivia told the judge before turning back to Jim. “Now, why have you hired Star Power?”

“Mostly as bodyguards.”

“Do bodyguards assault people, Mr. Hexter?”

Jim shook his head. “Not unless someone is a danger to one of my celebrities or myself.”

Olivia nodded and glanced back at Henry who got up with a folder and walked it over to her. He stood at the ready and every eye was on the red folder he had in his hand. “Are lawyers a danger to you or your clients, Mr. Hexter?”

“I don’t understand,” Jim said with his eyes glued to the folder.

“Why then did you hire Star Power Private Security to assault, attempt to kidnap me, and steal my electronic devices, Mr. Hexter?”

The room gasped and the judge ordered everyone quiet.

“I did no such thing!” Jim yelled as Skye blinked with confusion. Olivia knew something she didn’t. What was it?

Henry handed the judge the folder as Olivia spoke. “I’d like to enter into evidence the picture of the driver who kidnapped me. This is from my law office’s security camera. I’d also like to enter into evidence the video of my assault from The Thirsty Taco’s cameras that had been installed that morning. Pictures are included in the folder. Further, I’d like to enter into evidence the financial trail of digital currency from Mr. Hexter’s private account to Star Power’s VIP account the day before my attack.”

“That proves nothing!” Jim argued. “I hired them for personal protection since I was worried after Skye’s kidnapping, but apparently that was all a hoax for her to get the media’s attention. I’ll admit Morgan Davies is better at PR than Skye’s old firm. There’s no reason for me to hire someone to beat you up.”

The judge looked them over as Tandy gave a copy to Bernie who objected, but the judge overruled him and allowed them into evidence.

“Henry,” Olivia said as Henry picked up a remote and turned on the television to a blank screen. “Your honor, I’d like permission to enter into evidence this video that directly disputes Mr. Hexter’s claims. May I play it?”

“Objection!” Bernie tried again.

“I need to see it before I can rule on it. Go ahead, Miss Townsend.”

Skye clasped her hands together so tightly her knuckles turned white. Copyright 2016 - 2024