Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,40

for the money.”

Tinsley laughed then and nodded. “I have a good idea of much you make from the papers, so I know you’re good for it. Show me what you want and I’ll put a Sold sticker next to them.”

Skye put the last sticker on when the sound of an approaching helicopter echoed down Main Street. Darcy looked out the window and then back at the group. “Olivia’s here.”

“Good, I’m starving and some barbeque sounds delicious,” Ellery said, making a beeline for the door.

Skye followed the group out the door. Karri looked at the town as if she were contemplating something. “What is it?” Skye finally asked after Karri started murmuring to herself.

“Nothing, it’s silly.”

“I talked about balls for ten minutes. Nothing you can say is possibly as silly. What is it?” Skye prodded.

“I love being your chef, but what was my dream?”

“To have your own kitchen. I’m sorry. I know I’ve been holding you back.” Skye knew it was true the moment she said it. At first Karri had worked with her to use it as experience on her résumé. But then Skye’s career took off and Karri turned into a full-time chef and a personal assistant. They’d been going nonstop since then and Skye felt like the absolute worst friend for not letting Karri chase her own dreams.

Karri shook her head. “You know me well enough to know I would leave if I wasn’t happy. However,” she said, pausing and looking around the town, “I like it here. I like the people, the slow pace of life, and the fact that eating apple pie is X-rated. It’s not pretentious here.”

“No, it’s a lot of things, but pretentious is not one of them. I like it here too,” Skye admitted.

“There are no good places to eat something besides barbeque and diner food. I wonder what would happen if I asked Harper to let me cook a few nights at the bar?”

“That’s not exactly fine dining, Karri.”

Karri shook her head. “I know. L.A. is upscale. Here it’s not about price of the food to show off, but the taste of it. I’ve been flooded with ideas for menus since I arrived.”

“Then ask her. Or I can ask Trent if he thinks Harper would be up for it.”

“Let me think on it some more.” Karri looked down the street and her mouth dropped. “That’s your lawyer? She was gorgeous in the online photo, but here she looks as if she should be walking a catwalk.”

The helicopter was in the intersection at the end of Main Street. Olivia Townsend was strutting toward them in high heels and a tight, royal blue pencil skirt. Her white blouse fluttered in the wind created by the helicopter blades, but her hair didn’t dare move.

“She sure does.”

Skye looked over her shoulder to find Kord, Granger, and Peter Castle standing behind them.

Granger rolled his eyes at his deputy who was practically drooling. “I’m going to laugh my ass off when some woman knocks you on your ass and then leads you on a merry chase.”

“Likewise,” Kord said with a grin to his boss. “Here, Olivia. Let me help you.” Kord took off at a slow jog to meet the lawyer and take her briefcase from her.

“Is there romance brewing there?” Skye asked as she then noticed the meaningful glances and blushes flying between Peter and Karri. Well, well, well.

Granger grunted and opened the door for Skye to walk through. Boy, was Hollywood getting it wrong! Granger was old Hollywood. Back when men weren’t juiced up on steroids or dressed in joggers and loose T-shirts that didn’t look as if they’d been washed. No, the men of Shadows Landing— Trent, Granger, Ryker, Castle, Kord—reminded her of the men of the past; just as the town itself was a throwback to the past. These men reminded her of the old western stars who rode a horse, shot a gun, and escorted a lady across the street while looking ruggedly handsome at the same time.

Something about that and seeing Tinsley’s painting had all the creative juices flowing. Skye pulled out her phone and did a quick note to herself about some ideas for movie roles to keep an eye open for. Olivia was standing behind her and Trent was next to her by the time she was done with her notes.

“You looked deep in thought,” Trent said, lowering his voice. “Is everything okay?”

“More than okay. I’ve been inspired. I know how I want to approach my audition for Gemma Davies’s Copyright 2016 - 2024