Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,35

“We also know how Trent can get when he’s working and we didn’t want you to starve to death so we brought you more than just apple pie.”

Skye reached out and took the baskets from the ladies. “Thank you. You both are so kind.”

“Pish posh. We have ulterior motives,” Miss Ruby told her.

Miss Winnie bobbed her head. “We told Mitzy Coburn we could get you to come to knitting club tomorrow. She didn’t believe us, but my apple pie has been known to make people do all sorts of things.”

“That’s right,” Miss Ruby said with certainty. “It’s been known to make people strip down naked and take selfie pictures with it. We figured it could get you to knitting club.”

“Knitting club? I don’t know how to knit.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Miss Winnie told her with a dismissive wave of her hand. “While we all knit, we also have some drinks and gossip. That’s the real point of knitting club. And it’s not all old ladies. Why, Edie Wecker will be there and I believe you’ve met her. She’s a friend of the Faulkners.”

Skye tried to remember not only everyone she’d met, but also everyone Trent had talked about. “Is she the widow?”

“Bless her heart, they were so in love and then her husband was murdered on a mission for the SEALS. She came back home and we take care of our own. We got her into the knitting club and she’s thriving. Hog-tied a man earlier this year and everything,” Miss Ruby explained. “Knitting club can be empowering.”

“Well, maybe I can learn how to knit scarves for my parents,” Skye said, not really knowing how to address the hog-tying comment so she just let it slide.

“Yes! We’d be happy to teach you and your friend Karri. Have Trent or Tinsley drop you off at five tomorrow night at the church,” Miss Ruby instructed.

“I’ll see you then. Thank you for the food,” Skye told them as the duo waved their goodbyes.

Skye looked into the shop. Trent was still working and looked as if he were in the zone. His gaze never wavered from his work as he slowly carved pieces of wood into the vision he had in his head.

The aroma of apple pie was strong enough to distract her from Trent. Skye glanced down at the baskets and then checked her surroundings. No one would know. She hurried to the kitchen and opened up the baskets. She pulled out a casserole, some fried chicken, and homemade mac and cheese before she found what she was looking for—the apple pie.

Skye placed it on the kitchen table reverently and went in search of a plate, knife, and fork. She hadn’t had dessert for breakfast since college. It had been too long since she’d indulged and, after all, Miss Ruby did say she needed meat on her bones.

Skye cut a large slice and looked around as if she were breaking the law. When she saw Trent was still in his workshop, she dug in. Apples, sugar, and cinnamon exploded on her tongue and she moaned as if she were climaxing. Goodness, they weren’t lying about the powers of their apple pie.

Skye was halfway through when she heard a gasp.

“Do you know how much sugar that has in it?”

Skye turned her head and took a deliberate bite as Karri stared in surprise. “I don’t care. If I never get another role in my life but have this apple pie, I can die happy.”

“Oh, is that Miss Ruby’s or Miss Winnie’s?” Tinsley asked, stepping past Karri and cutting herself her own slice.

“I don’t know and I don’t care so long as I get more.”

Skye held out her fork to Karri who looked as if she’d just caught her lover cheating on her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the fork. “It can’t be that special. An apple pie is an apple pie. I mean, I grew up in apple country.”

Skye looked at Tinsley and they shared a grin. This was not some average apple pie. Karri looked annoyed at even having to take a bite. Then her eyes flew open in surprise before she closed them and moaned with pleasure. Her eyes popped back open as Skye and Tinsley giggled.

“So, just a regular apple pie, right?” Skye teased.

“I feel as if I just had a very intimate experience with that pie. I have to get the recipe. And you’re right. It’s worth every pound it puts on you.” Karri rushed forward and sliced a large Copyright 2016 - 2024