Broken Knight (All Saints High #2) - L.J Shen Page 0,48

They were safer to look at. Knight made the introductions, and maybe he looked at me, but I was too proud to glance and check.

Hunter squeezed my shoulder and whistled low. “I have to say—every girl at this party is wearing a gown more expensive than the other, but you, Rexroth, look like an enchanting Lolita, even in your pajamas.”

I wasn’t wearing pajamas, but I wasn’t going to correct him, either. It wasn’t worth taking my phone out and typing a comeback. I flipped him the finger, instead.

“It’s not pajamas, you wasted pile of scum. Don’t you dare patronize her,” Knight hissed through gritted teeth, heat radiating from his body.

Hunter’s confidence melted. Daria’s playful grin widened as Hunter threw Knight a dispassionate grin.

“Down, boy. You’ll pop an artery and ruin your precious Burberry suit.”

“I think my knuckles are the ones going to get messed up, and they’ve seen worse than your ugly face.”

“Righto, time to calm down. Hunter was just taking the piss.” Poppy rubbed Knight’s back, slipping under his arm into an embrace.

Daria stared at them like they were a game she was still figuring out the rules to. Her smile screamed trouble.

“So, Poppy,” Daria purred.

“Hmm?” Poppy batted her lashes.

They were two alpha females sharpening their claws in front of a thirsty audience. Poppy’s message was clear: she was not intimidated. Daria’s intentions were showcased perfectly, too: she didn’t like the British invasion.

“Knight here is like my baby brother, but he doesn’t tell me anything. Are you guys an item?”

Poppy giggled in a way that made her so much less lovable to me than I’d remembered. My stomach clenched. Whatever Daria was getting at, I knew she was team Luna. I just wished she wouldn’t probe. The sheer horror of being here next to them filled my annual quota for angst, and I didn’t care for a second serving.

“I reckon we are.” Poppy looked up to Knight, touching her blemished cheek. “Are we not, darling?”

I looked away just as Vaughn appeared, saving—or ruining—the day. It really depended how you looked at it. I focused on breathing through my nose and staring at the back of a waitress’ head. Vaughn gave me a peck on the cheek, throwing me off balance. He was not one for affection.

“Look what the pussy dragged in.” Daria bowed down, tugging at the hem of her gown theatrically. “Question is—which pussy was it that made you wear something you didn’t steal from Salvation Army? Care to shed some light on the matter?”

“Daria, I see you are still putting that sharp mind of yours to good use,” Vaughn drawled sarcastically. “If you must know, I lost a bet to my father.”

“BS. You never lose, Vaughn.” Daria knocked back her drink.

“I did this week,” he clipped unflappably.

“Bummer. Thought you were finally trying to impress a girl.”

“Girls are in the business of impressing me, not vice versa.”

“Can’t argue with that.” She slammed her empty champagne glass on a tray, snatching a fresh one from a passing waiter.

Lenora made a show of gagging. Vaughn, who caught the gesture like an eagle waiting for its prey to show a sign of life, went for the kill.

“I see the mediocre artist does not approve. How is your dead kingdom doing, Miss Astalis?”

“Splendid. Watching your empire sinking slowly and having a jolly good time, Mr. Will-Never-Be-As-Good-As-His-Mummy.”

“Jeez, your nerd-talk game is hot.” Daria pretended to fan herself. “So, are you kids bumping uglies?” She pointed between Lenny and Hunter, obviously adding fuel to the fire.

“It’s a work in progress,” Knight said, slinging an arm over each of their shoulders and looking between them. I stole a glance at him, and our eyes met, then darted in opposite directions. Bile bubbled in my throat.

“I have a boyfriend,” Lenny whispered hotly, her cheeks pinking.

“No one’s buying that, Lenora. You need to be at least semi-tolerable for that to happen.”

Vaughn was obviously turning on his charm this evening.

“We’re going on a double date next week,” Knight announced, and I couldn’t help myself.

I let out a bitter chuckle. So he and Poppy were officially dating. Good for them.

“You seem hell-bent on making that happen.” Daria eyed Knight curiously. “I wonder why.”

“Just playing matchmaker, like my good friend Vaughn, who threw me into Poppy’s arms so generously. Thanks, man.”

“You needed a shove in the right direction,” Vaughn said meaningfully, his eyes boring into Knight’s.

Knight shrugged. “Anyway… Three more couples to fix up, and I’ll secure my place in heaven.”

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