Broken French - Natasha Boyd Page 0,90

almost impossible. I was giddy, flying, and pinned to the ground with lust and panic all at the same time.

His palm slipped up my throat and around to cup my nape. My skin burned.

A rough, denim-covered knee touched mine and pressed slowly, insistently, parting my legs. A hard thigh slipped between mine.

Oh my God.

My body arched, my mouth opened, and a whimper escaped. His mouth was so close, a slight turn of my face pressed against the sublime roughness of his jaw, and I could have it. But his mouth remained stubbornly out of reach. He was going to kiss me, right?

What was this torture? And when had I lost all control of this situation?

The hand against the wall by my head was suddenly an arm, hard as steel around my waist, locking me against him as heat blazed through me.

He growled in what I thought was a French curse, and his hand drew my hair into a tight fist, tilting my face up.

I was trapped. Unable to move.

His eyes in the dark seemed fevered and low-lidded. And then our mouths were there, millimeters apart. We breathed together. My heart hurled itself against my ribcage. My body throbbed and ached. And my hips made a small movement against him beyond my control.

“What about this?” he muttered into my breath, and his hips responded to mine and ground up in a slow roll. God. He was huge. And hard. “Does this scare you even more? We should both be fucking terrified.”

Holy shit. I was going to die. Arousal was going to cause an arrhythmia and my heart would stop. It burned through me. And I was literally going to die from lust. How could people experience this and not want it all the time? It was like a hit of the most potent drug there was. There was no way this was normal. Allowed, even. He hadn’t even kissed me. I wasn’t even naked with him yet, and I’d never been so turned on in my life. It made me want to cry. My eyes burned.

His hips moved again, but they were already meeting mine as I pressed forward.

I bit my lip in an effort not to gasp at the contact. My dress was too thin. His thigh too hard.

His face moved back slightly, his eyes finding mine, burning with intensity, watching me.

He moved again, harder, grinding up. Testing me.

My dress was nothing. The sensations too acute. “Oh, God.” The friction was perfect. It was too much. It was too fast. Lightning began flashing white hot as I pressed myself back at him. On him. Small movements, but they were enough. I couldn’t stop.

The hand in my hair gripped tighter, he stared at my mouth, and I licked my lips. I wanted his mouth. I’d never needed a kiss as badly as I needed his. I thirsted for it. I tried to reach him but he held me back just out of reach.

“No,” he whispered. “Not yet.”

“But—” His thigh pressed. My hips rocked. Perhaps people would think we were dancing. “But, it’s okay to make … make me come like this,” I choked out. I couldn’t breathe. God, I was almost there.

“Merde! No.” He released me so abruptly, I swayed back against the wall, my legs almost giving out.

But it was too late. The sensations had gathered and built, and the pressure had mounted so high, my brain no longer controlled my body, if it ever had around him. I shattered past the point of no return. It was exquisite. It was maddening. It was shocking. And so very, very … empty of him.

His mouth dropped open and his hands caught me around the waist as my entire body quaked, and I slipped down the wall.

He cursed again and hauled me against him.

“Oh my God,” I whispered, my breath choking out of me. I managed to get my palms between us on his hard chest and pushed away. Jesus. Had anyone seen? Shame swamped me, erasing all the incredible sensations that were ebbing away too fast. My face burned. My head whipped left and right. The groups of people in the dark shadows of the upstairs area seemed to be absorbed in their own business. They either hadn’t seen us, or people up here were used to giving and demanding discretion. We hadn’t kissed, maybe they really did think we were dancing. Jesus. We hadn’t even kissed.

An aftershock wracked me. I was dizzy. I suddenly wanted to laugh hysterically.

“No one saw,” Copyright 2016 - 2024