Broken French - Natasha Boyd Page 0,106

and two days. Just two. Just us. Give them to me?” he asked.

My breathing stuttered, and heat in my belly grew. “Is that a request or a demand?”

“You can say no.”

“God, no.”

His expression dropped. “No?”

“No! I mean yes. Yes. Oui. Two days.” My face blazed. “Two nights.” I blew out a breath and a self-conscious chuckle. “Good to see how disappointed you were though.” I sucked my lips between my teeth.

He growled. God. That sound. Then he brushed a finger across my bottom lip and down my throat to hook into my t-shirt. He tugged me close and pressed his lips to mine. It wasn’t enough and he’d already pulled back. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he murmured. “You can change your mind at any time. You don’t owe me anything.”

God, I appreciated him saying that so much. I smiled. “You can change your mind too, but I’d really hate it if you did.”

He gazed down at me, his blue eyes honing in on my mouth again. “I have to try to get some work done now,” he said. “Mon dieu, aide-moi. But meet me for champagne on the top deck at seven?”

I licked my lips and nodded, my hand reaching for the railing as the boat dipped into another wave. “What did you just say in French?”

“Mon dieu, aide-moi. It means, God, help me. Because I don’t know how I’m going to concentrate on work. It’s been impossible for weeks already.”

“Huh.” I grinned, pleased. “Oh, by the way. How do you say ass in French?”


“Yeah, like ‘he’s got a fine ass.’”

“I do?”

“Shut up. You know you do. Soo, what is it? What’s the word in French?”


I laughed. “Meredith was right.”


“My best friend back home. I heard you talking to Evan, and she said you were talking about my ass.”

He chuckled out a breath and scrubbed a hand down his face. “Nobody can keep a secret on a boat.”

“So you were?”

“Talking about your ass?” He winked, and his hand slipped down behind me and grabbed a handful, bringing me hard against his body.

I squeaked.

“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

Oh yes. This playful Xavier was a really nice surprise. “I’d rather not have my anatomy discussed by the boys in the locker room.” I feigned annoyance, even while the heat of his hand burned through me.

He laughed, teeth gleaming and eyes crinkling, making my heart rate triple.

“D’accord. I’ll only discuss your ass with you.” He leaned forward and pressed a lingering kiss on my lips.

My hand left the railing, and I clutched the lapels of his shirt. The boat dipped again, and my stomach whooshed. It broke the kiss.

He scowled, looking out to sea. “It’s getting rough. Do you get seasick?”

“I haven’t before today. But then again, I don’t really like boats, so I have little experience to know if I will.” I shrugged and brushed a strand of hair that suddenly blew across my face. The wind had picked up.

“You like my boat.”

I lifted a shoulder. “It’s okay.”

His eyes narrowed.

“But I like you,” I added. “And Dauphine. And everyone who works for you. Well, I guess you’re right. I like your boat. Anyway, you better go and get that work done before I climb you like the jungle gym at my favorite playground.” I reluctantly let go of his shirt and smoothed it out.

He frowned, a smirk playing around his mouth. “Jungle gym? Is that some American thing? It sounds kinky.”

I laughed, loving that he could actually joke with me after the rather gruff demeanor he’d worn since I arrived.

“All right.” He stepped away, his palms up. “I’m going. I have to rearrange all the meetings I blew off to stay in Corsica for two nights. The water is getting very rough. If you feel sick, ask Chef for ginger tea. Look out at the horizon. Or come find me.”

“I will.” I nodded, processing what he’d just said. He may have needed to go to Corsica tomorrow, but his decision to stay an extra night was made with me in mind.

I dug my teeth into my bottom lip to fight the grin.

As soon as he ducked inside I turned and dragged in a lungful of sea air. I replayed the last hour, and with it giddy anticipation swirled. Two nights. My skin prickled with lust. I pressed my thighs together to quench the deep ache that had settled between them. I knew what this was. A two-day affair. That was it. I had Copyright 2016 - 2024