Broken_ Broken #1 - A. E. Murphy Page 0,66

on. “We’re going to have to stay in a hotel tonight. There’s too much to be done and I won’t be finished until late.”


“Is that okay?”

I shrug. “I guess it’ll have to be, but be warned - I’m never coming here with you again.”

He smirks and I’m shocked at the motion. He never smiles or smirks. It suits him. “If you like I can have somebody take you to the hotel now? I’m sure you’ll find it more comfortable.”

I’m about to say yes but then I see how drained he looks and reject his offer. “No. I’ll just hang out here with you, if that’s okay?”

He turns his face to his computer. I swear I just saw him smile but I can’t be certain. He turned too quickly. “As you wish.”

I lean back in my seat and snag his phone from the desk. His eyes question my actions.

“I want to play a game.”

His gloved finger taps at the screen. I watch it unlock and start downloading games when I realise he doesn’t even have Angry Birds. His phone is extremely cool. Who doesn’t have Angry Birds when they have an extremely cool phone?

“Do you need any help with anything?” I ask after a few minutes of failing to tear down a building with a bird.

“No, you play your game.”

“It’s lost my interest. That’s a really pretty necklace.” I point at the screen, where a golden circle with a tiny red gem shines back at me. “Really pretty.”

“You think so?” He asks as I admire the spiralling pattern engraved on the flat disk, leading to the tiny red gem.

“Yes.” Obviously, or I wouldn’t have said it.

“Why do you like it?”

I shrug. “It’s different. I like the fact the disk isn’t prominent. It makes the gem stand out, even though it’s small.”

“Huh.” He licks his lower lip and flicks through a few more images. “Would you like one?”

Umm… yes. “No. You’ve given me enough.”

“It’s one of a kind,” he states, his eyes now on me. “It would suit you well.”

I’m not sure what to make of what he just said, or the way his gaze seems to be burning into me in a way it never has before. I’m reading into things. “Why do you say that?”

He turns back to the computer and crosses off the screen. I hide my disappointment by looking at the sheets of paper spread out along the desk. I have no idea what they are.

We order in food as he’s still not done and it’s now five. I have to admit that his company hasn’t been terrible. He’s made conversation when necessary and asked me whether or not I like some of the jewellery he shows me. Some of it isn’t my style but some of it is beautiful. I make sure to give him my honest opinion on every one and my reasons behind it.

After a while he seems to get aggravated, almost like he doesn’t like my answers. I can’t help what I like and what I don’t like.

“This one?” He snaps and shows me a picture of a single loop charm with a purple disk in the centre that can be flipped over showing a mint green colour on the other side.

“It’s great, a necklace for two outfits.”

“You’ve been in my office haven’t you?” His question startles me.

“What? No!” I gape at him, my heart hammering. There hasn’t been a single time I’ve gone in there, apart from the first time when I opened the door and immediately shut it when I realised it was his study.

His eyes narrow. “I only gave you two rules. Stay out of my way and don’t invade my privacy.”

“I swear, I haven’t!” I gulp and implore him with my eyes to believe me.

“Then how is it you like every single piece of jewellery I’ve designed, but nothing that my father has?”

I laugh a little, but it’s humourless and nervous. “Even if I had been snooping, which I haven’t, I didn’t even know you designed jewellery. How the hell would I remember them all and why the hell would I like them all? You’re making zero sense.” I climb from my seat to put some distance between us. “Maybe your designs are actually really good and maybe that’s why I like them.”

“If I find out you’ve been in my office, Guinevere…”

“Oh save it.” I snarl and stomp to the door. “I’ll take that ride to the hotel now, if you don’t mind.”

“Don’t walk away from me, Guinevere.”

“Fuck you,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024