Broken_ Broken #1 - A. E. Murphy Page 0,24

tear trail on his cheek. I wipe at it with my thumb and my smile widens.


“I’m not crying,” he protests with a smile. “I have something in my eye.”

“Both of them?” The scan lady remarks and I burst into a fit of giggles.

Caleb leans forward and presses his lips against mine. “Love you, Gwenny.”

“Love you too,” I whisper back and deepen the kiss for a moment.

“I’ll just print off some pictures,” the woman says, giving us some privacy.

I look into the eyes of my fiancé and run my fingers through his longish hair. “Are you sure about this, Caleb?”

A panicked gaze comes to mine. “Aren’t you?”

“I am. That’s why I’m asking you, because if you back out now I’ll be on my own.”

His shoulders sag, his thumb stroking my cheek as his beautiful brown eyes meet mine. “I’ll never leave you on your own, Gwenny. Never. I want this more than you know.”

What’s that supposed to mean? Why do I feel like something isn’t right about this? Of course I’m happy, what expectant mother isn’t when she finally wraps her head around it? It’s just… I can’t help but feel like Caleb is hiding something.

I’m probably being stupid. Maybe it’s my extra hormones making me read into something that isn’t there.

“Your mum is going to kill me,” Caleb says, piercing my erratic thoughts and making them pop into a million more.

“Oh shit.” I never even thought of that. “We just won’t tell her until I start to show.”

“I’m sure she’ll get over it.” I can tell he doesn’t believe his own words any more than I do.

My mum, though I love her, has always provided me with what I need but I’ve never been more than an inconvenience to her. When she finds out about this, she’ll never talk to me again. Part of me doesn’t care. The child in me still wishes for her approval and is still eager to make her proud.

“You’ve got me.” Caleb’s reassuring words do just that. He’s right; I have got him and my friends. They are all I need.

“Forever,” I murmur, my eyes on my sparkly ring.

“For all of eternity.” His lips slant over mine but quickly pull back when the woman walks back in with our scan picture.

When we get home, Caleb frames it and puts it on the wall in the hallway. “This will be our timeline. Our wedding photo will be in the middle. Tomorrow I’m going to put our first ever picture right here.”

“You’re such a romantic,” I laugh and kiss his stubble. “I’ll put dinner on.”

“Brilliant, chicken wraps?”

I nod and walk away, my hand pressed against my belly.

“Hey, almost forgot…” I’m spun in a second and Caleb is down on his knees, pulling my top over my midriff. He presses his hands on my navel and then kisses in between them. “Love you, baby Weston.”

I just melted again. He has that effect on me.


I cling to the seat, my forehead on my arms. Caleb ties my hair back from my face and rubs slow circles on my back. “Finished?”


“I guess not,” he says around a yawn and wipes my forehead and then my mouth with a cool cloth. That feels nice. “Poor baby.”

“I hate this. You’ve done this,” I joke and sit back on the cool tiled floor. “Ugh. If I’m never sick again it’ll be too soon.”

“It’s a good sign; he’s growing well.” Caleb is insistent that it’s a boy. He really, really wants a boy but he’ll still be happy if we get a girl. “Caleb Weston,” he says with his hand on my stomach, “has a nice ring to it.”

I laugh and slap his arm before climbing to my feet. “That’s your name.”

“Exactly.” His arms snake around my waist as I quickly brush my teeth, eager to get the putrid taste of vomit from my mouth and rid my teeth of that gritty feeling. “Fourteen weeks and three days. Can we start telling people now?”

“Don’t give me that,” I say, my mouth full of minty foam. Spit. “I know you’ve told everyone already. Even Sasha knows, though she’s pretending she doesn’t.”

He has the decency to look ashamed. “I couldn’t help it.”

“You’re incorrigible,” I snort and rinse out my mouth, squirming when Caleb’s hand cups my sex through my pyjama shorts. Shiver. “Right now? Really? My stomach is still doing somersaults.”

“Let me take your mind off it,” he breathes against my neck and pushes his hardened length against my arse cheek.

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