Broken_ Broken #1 - A. E. Murphy Page 0,13

with me and then it’s like we’re making love on the dance floor.

I place all of the paint trays and rollers in the bath and get to work on cleaning them. Once those are done, I head downstairs and immediately laugh when I see the state of the room. There are planks of wood all over the place, none of them organized, none of them labelled.

“You’re hopeless,” I snort and squeal when he starts tickling my ribs.

It’s been a week since our car tyre blew on us and I still can’t believe he’s actually staying. I’m actually standing in his new house, covered in paint with my heart hammering a mile a minute. I feel on top of the world.

We have somewhere to play and by play I mean make out properly. And by make out properly I mean have sex.

Caleb isn’t a virgin. He lost his innocence when he was only fourteen years of age. Apparently it was messy, awkward and uncomfortable.

Also he came in about three seconds.

I laughed at that part of the story.

He knows what he’s doing now though and has promised me that when the time comes he’ll take it slow and make it as painless and as beautiful as possible.

Just being with him will be beautiful.

Even if I’m terrified.

It seems silly to be scared of the real thing when we’ve pretty much done everything else over the past week. Every day he’s made me climax, either with his hand, his mouth, his cock or, at one point, his thigh. All were amazing, all were mind blowing and all left me feeling sated and tired.

“You look lost in thought,” he says softly and blows on the shell of my ear.

I shrug him off, giggling, and start putting the wood in the right order. “I don’t hear the kettle boiling.”

“Yes, Miss Bossy.”

“Still not boiling,” I comment dryly, marking off each plank.

“I haven’t even left the room yet. I’m too busy admiring this.” He pokes my arse with his pinkie finger. I threaten to hit him with a board and he soon vanishes.

After the shelves are up, which were so much easier than Caleb made them out to be, we shower together. This is an odd experience for me. I’ve never been fully naked like this with him. We’ve always been in his car or at my house when exploring each other.

When we fornicated at home, even though my mum was at work, I was terrified of her coming home early and getting caught. Caleb never managed to do more than get me to grind on his thigh, which was amazing, albeit a little embarrassing. I felt like a dog humping someone’s leg, but no matter how mortified I felt by my actions I couldn’t stop myself. It felt too good. I lost all sense of reason and pride.

Caleb said it was the hottest thing he’d ever witnessed, having a normally shy and composed woman, whom he’s severely attracted to, lose all of her inhibitions for a few marvellous minutes because of him.

Things are unfortunately going pretty badly with his parents. I still haven’t met them but I’ve heard them shouting at him on the phone. Last time he hung up on them, but I could see the pain in his eyes. I don’t know what they said to make him so miserable but it took me a while to break him out of it.

I gave him a blowjob. I’ve actually discovered I enjoy giving blowjobs. Maybe it’s just the way Caleb responds to them that triggers my enjoyment. There is nothing more erotic than pleasuring a man. Nothing. Even thinking about the way he moans and grips my head as I please him is making me hot inside.


His parents have returned home and, as far as I’m aware, his brother has too. I hope they leave him alone now. Of course I’m all for having your family around you but I never want to see him miserable again. It breaks my heart.

My mum is being a bit off with me as well. I had to work at the club Chicago’s last night and when I got home I tripped on a shoe (which was my mum’s) and woke her up. She was pretty pissed off with me. The night wasn’t a complete disaster, though. I put in a good word for Caleb and he starts next weekend, which we’re both pleased about.

He has a job and I can lay claim to him in front of everyone.

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