Broken_ Broken #1 - A. E. Murphy Page 0,120

our contract.”

Nathan shrugs. “They came to me after I spoke to Harrison.” I have no idea who any of these people are. “He’s selling me one of his smaller stores.”

Well that’s good.

“It won’t work.” His father sways slightly as his arm lifts to point a finger at Nathan. “Your jewellery is amateur.”

“Better than old fashioned,” I mutter and the angry drunk sneers at me.

“Nobody respects the opinion of a whore,” Mr Weston growls at me, his tone full of malice and hate. Totally undeserved.

Nathan’s body tightens and I feel the space around us fill with his anger, his fury. It’s so potent I can almost see it. I really wouldn’t like to be his father right now, who is oblivious and staring at me.

“She’s still here.” His eyes are on me but his words are aimed at Nathan. “We had a deal.”

“And when you received the papers from my solicitor, that should have told you I had no interest in making a deal with you. I have no interest in you at all actually.”

Go Nathan!

His father begins to descend the stairs. Nathan cuts ahead of him and puts himself between us. “You always were a failure, Nathan. Failed as a son, failed college, failed university, you’ll fail this too.” What?

“I don’t care. I’m bored of hearing you say it.” Nathan sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “You need to leave before you make a bigger fool of yourself.”

Mr Weston leans around his son. “He’ll fail you too.” His cold eyes go to his son, his body still swaying from the effects of whatever alcohol it is he’s consumed. “Like he failed me and his brother.”


Nathan takes a step towards him but my hand shoots out and grabs his arm. “Nathan.”

He looks back at me, his eyes sad and showing his wavering control. His father doesn’t stop. “This business will fail. You don’t have what it takes. You’re lazy, incompetent and stupid.”

“I wonder who he gets that from,” I remark dryly.

“Stay out of this, Gwen,” Nathan warns and runs a hand through his hair. “Leave us.”

He’s asking me to leave? No, not asking, telling. “What?”

“Take the car keys and go out for an hour. There are things I need to speak to my father about.”

“I’m not leaving you. Not with him.” My face contorts in disgust.

Nathan flies around and tilts his head to catch my eyes. “I said leave. You’re my guest, you’ll do as you’re told. My father and I have things we need to talk about, without you present. Contact Jeanine, tell her not to come.”

I want to be angry but the pain in his eyes wipes that away in an instant. I speak in a hushed tone. “Are you going to be okay?”

His eyes soften and his body drops an inch. “Yes. Please. I don’t want you to be here while he is. Let me speak with him and then he’ll never have a reason to return.”

“I don’t like it,” I admit, but feel my previous decision begin to waver. “Call me if you need me.”

Nathan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bunch of notes. I go to back away but he shoves them into my back pocket and nudges my forehead with his nose. I find the strange display of affection comforting, even though I shouldn’t.

“Paying for her services already?” His father bates but I ignore him. Nathan doesn’t though, he twists and grabs his father by the throat. I squeal and press my back against the wall as Nathan whispers into his father’s ear. I can’t hear what he’s saying and I’m not sure Mr Weston can either. His face is almost purple.

“Go. I’m not giving him the ability to speak until you’re gone.” Meaning if I don’t leave right now, his father will suffocate in about twenty seconds. I duck my head and flee the house, grabbing the car keys on the way.

Jeanine is pulling into the drive as I exit the house so I immediately rush to her and lie the first lie that comes to mind. “Nathan wants to be alone right now. He’s just had some… umm… bad family news that he needs to deal with.”

She doesn’t believe me, not in the slightest. She does promise to follow me back into the village for a drink, though. I need a coffee. Decaf or not, I still need it.

Mr Weston is vile. VILE! Grr, I just want to poke him in the eye.

Who would say that to their son? Copyright 2016 - 2024