Broken Beauty - Stella Andrews Page 0,60

away. As I take a step toward him, he does the same and soon I fall into those familiar strong arms that wrap around me and keep the whole world out.

He leans down and whispers, “I missed you.”

I squeeze him harder and for a moment, it’s just us, the two of us shutting the whole world away. Then he reluctantly pulls apart and taking my hand, turns to face the people patiently waiting, watching with interest.



When I saw Sophia, my whole world righted itself and I knew. I love her. The expression on her face told me she feels the same and as I held her in my arms, I knew I had made the right decision. Now I must set the wheels in motion and turn to face our respective brothers.

I hold out my hand to Tobias. “It’s good to finally meet you, Mr. Moretti.”

“Tobias, please.” He shakes my hand and I see the curiosity in his eyes as he stares thoughtfully between us. Sophia is looking extremely worried and Lucian laughs. “Can somebody please put that poor girl out of her misery before she passes out?”

Sophia stares at him in surprise and Tobias growls, “Do you honestly think I was trading you as some kind of breeding mule?”

She looks surprised. “It certainly felt that way.”

Tobias looks angry. “No, my business with Lucian concerned a different girl entirely.”

Lucian nods and I see the smug look of victory in his eyes as he turns to me and gloats. “Tobias had some information we were desperate for and used it to secure our future. We have formed an alliance where one family protects the other. We carry on with business as usual but if anything changes, we give first refusal to the other family. If we are challenged, we come together and face our enemies as one.”

I look between them and say with interest. “Then the information he has must be very powerful.”

Tobias nods. “It is.”

He waves to the seats nearby and as we take them, I pull Sophia close to my side. She fits like a glove as I always knew she would and I hold her hand tightly so she can never escape me again. Tobias remains silent until we have each been served a drink and then, as the waiters head back inside, he says evenly, “When Carlos Toledo died, he had on him some powerful evidence.”

Sophia stiffens beside me and I squeeze her hand reassuringly. “It was a memory stick that contained information on just about every family in the country. Their secrets and evidence that could blow their operations apart in the wrong hands. It was his intention to use this information to bargain for a place with the strongest family, ensuring his own protection. It didn’t work.”

Tobias’s eyes glitter dangerously and Sophia shifts nervously in her seat as the tension swirls around us like a choking fog.

“I have evidence that the Romanos would kill to obtain and so, I have exchanged this in return for an alliance.”

“So, this was all a lie, the grandchildren, the marriage, what was that all about?”

Sophia is angry and almost spits her words like venom and Lucian says darkly. “Nobody lied, Sophia. Nonna wants grandchildren more than anything right now and as it turns out, she already has one.”

My head spins and I say in shock, “Ava?”

Lucian nods and for a moment we share a look that only we understand. Tobias was right, this is powerful information indeed.

Lucian carries on in a bitter voice. “He knows where Ava is hiding with Dante’s son. Now we just have to go and fetch them.”

From the look in his eye, that means trouble along the line and I wonder if Dante knows.

As if he heard my unspoken question, Lucian shakes his head and I wonder how my brother will react. As if it’s his cue to leave, Lucian stands and says darkly, “I must go. I believe you have something for me.”

Tobias nods and reaches inside his pocket and draws out a memory stick and hands it to my brother.

“The information is on here. I copied it from the one Carlos had on him, I hope it helps.”

Lucian just nods and then turns to Ana and Sophia and bows. “Ladies, if you will excuse me, it has been a pleasure.”

He shakes Tobias’s hand and whispers something in his ear that makes Tobias nod and I see a smile pass between them that settles my heart. Yes, Lucian may be a bastard, but he’s Copyright 2016 - 2024