Broken Beauty - Stella Andrews Page 0,4

them why I won’t return home—not yet, maybe not ever.

So, I shake my head and stare at him with my usual blank look. “No.”

Nodding, he steps aside. “Then I’ll let you get on with your day.”

He moves away and I smile to myself. The same conversation every day for three weeks. I wonder when I’ll be able to let my guard down and trust them with the full horror story that is mine to write the ending of.

“Morning, Pia.”

A scream alerts me to business and I laugh as Ryder’s daughter Cassie races toward me like a tornado and jumps into my arms. “Morning, Angel, have you been good for your mama?”

I hear laughter and see Ashton watching us from the doorway with Caspian in her arms, gazing at Cassie fondly. “She’s always good, aren’t you, honey?”

Ashton rolls her eyes as Cassie says solemnly, “Yes, mommy.”

We share a grin because like her father, Cassie is a handful that is only encouraged by him. Not afraid to stand her ground and batter a bully to the ground, Ashton is forever being called into the principal’s office to ‘discuss’ her behavior. Along with Jack, Brewer and Lou’s son, they make a formidable team and need a firm hand.

Ashton smiles, which draws an immediate response from me. A beautiful woman who is the antithesis of everyone else in this house. Beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, with a southern drawl that instantly makes you feel at home. The light to Ryder’s shade and the best mother these kids could ever wish for. She has her own demons that vanished the moment she claimed Ryder’s heart and they share a love so pure; it makes me believe in happy ever afters.

“Come in, honey. Cassie wants to do some coloring, while she fetches it, I’ll make you a coffee.”

“I should be making the coffee; you have your hands full.”

Looking down, Ashton smiles softly at the gorgeous boy in her arms and then holds him out to me. “Maybe you could mind him while I make them.”

I need no further invitation and take him from her with an eagerness that surprises even me. It feels so natural to hold the precious bundle in my arms and I breathe deeply and fill my lungs with his heavenly scent. Pure innocence is the sweetest balm to a wounded soul.

As he stares up at me with those gorgeous eyes, I feel an emotion that has escaped me all my life - love.

“How was your run?”

Ashton calls across from the kitchen and I make my way inside and take a seat at the breakfast bar, holding her Prince Caspian in my arms.


“In what way?”

“I wasn’t alone.”

She turns and raises her eyes and I can’t help but feel the flush creep across my skin as she says, “Who was there?”

“I’m not sure of his name, one of the guys.”

“What did he look like?”

If Ashton can sense any difference in me, she is keeping it well hidden, so I shrug and say coolly, “Bit of a beast if I’m honest. Longish dark hair and a complete brute of a man. No manners and no clothes, actually.”

Her eyes widen as she laughs softly, “Not always a bad thing.”

“Hmm, maybe. He was running in just a very tiny pair of shorts.”

We share a grin and then she says carefully, “What happened?”

I miss out the physical contact part and shrug. “He escorted me back. I think he thought I was an intruder.”

“Must have been Maverick then.”

I stare at her in surprise and she laughs. “He’s the only one who doesn’t know you’re here. He’s been away for a month and must have arrived back late last night. He’s also the only one who runs around here so early in the morning and hardly ever wears a top.

“Yes, he said he does his own laundry.”

“He spoke to you?” Ashton looks surprised.

“Why? Doesn’t he normally?”

“Not really. He’s the strong, silent type. He talks to the guys, but the girls get nothing from him. Other than the obvious, I mean.”

She giggles and I feel a flash of jealousy that surprises me as I think of him with the girls that live here. Remembering the one from earlier, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and as Caspian starts to cry, it breaks up the conversation and Ashton says apologetically, “I should go and feed him. He’s a bit overdue because Ryder was late leaving.”

She blushes a little and I can only imagine what pleasure that man brings to Copyright 2016 - 2024