Brody (Texas Boudreau Brotherhood #3) - Kathy Ivan Page 0,54

he’d placed in storage, until Tessa’s place had been trashed. He’d loaned it willingly. What good did it do sitting in a storage unit, gathering dust? Now it was at the Old Johnson place, where Beth and Jamie lived. He liked the thought of them sitting on his furniture, making a home with things he’d picked out. Maybe someday…

He dumped grounds into the coffee maker, added the water and turned it on. Despite what everybody said, he didn’t really care for those pod-type coffee makers. There was something satisfying about being able to measure out the grounds and watching while it brewed. This morning, he needed the sharp kick of caffeine. He’d barely slept, thinking about Beth and their kiss.

It had been exactly how he’d imagined it. He wasn’t sure when their friendship had started growing into something more. Something special. Now he wished he hadn’t wasted so much time worrying about what others would think, whether they’d approve. So much time lost he’d never get back. But he refused to dwell in the past any longer.

He loved Beth. It had snuck up on him, but didn’t change the fact. He was head-over-heels, totally and deeply in love with the woman, and he didn’t care who knew. Things would change once Stewart was back behind bars. The good thing was this stunt he’d pulled would add a whole new batch of charges against him, and he’d be spending the rest of his foreseeable future being bunk mates with the rest of the male population of Huntsville. He was pretty sure this time, Stewart wouldn’t be getting out so easily.

The text alert pinged on his phone, and he swiped the message open. The lab tech had texted he’d sent an e-mail with the findings Brody was waiting for. There it was, in black and white. The forensic lab confirmed the fire at the Summers barn was deliberate.


He read through the rest of the report, frowning. As he’d suspected, gasoline had been the accelerant used. Not much help, because gasoline was readily available, a cheap and easy source. They’d tested the charred wood samples, as well as the broken pieces of glass, the ones that hadn’t been sent to the crime lab to look for any DNA or fingerprints. Hopefully he’d get their report within the next day or two. Since it was Sunday, he was lucky he’d gotten the lab report. It was too much to hope for a twofer.

He’d let Greg know as well as the insurance company. Greg had headed back to San Antonio after answering his questions, depressed and worried his family’s property was being targeted by an unknown person. This was going to devastate that family, and he felt guilty he had to share the bad news with them. But it was his job, his responsibility. On the bright side, if you could call it a bright side, this confirmed there was a serial arsonist working in Shiloh Springs.

The real job was just beginning.


Even with everything going on around her, Beth felt like she was walking on air. Brody had kissed her! And what a kiss! It had curled her toes and made her feel all tingly inside. She took the stairs two at a time, practically skipping her way to the kitchen. Pulling up short, she spotted Heath seated at the table, a mug of coffee in one hand and a tablet in the other. A frown of concentration marred his otherwise handsome features.

“Good morning.” His voice rumbled before he took a deep swallow of coffee. “Momma left breakfast warming in the oven. Said she had a couple of things she had to do this morning, but she’ll be back.”

“Thanks.” Pouring her own cup, she took a sip, and looked out the window over the sink. Bright sunlight shone on the back vegetable garden, and she could see one of the barn cats sneaking across the grass. She smiled, knowing the first thing Jamie would want to do was head out to play with the kittens. With all the excitement of the last couple of days, she’d left her sleeping upstairs.

Laying his tablet on the table, Heath studied her, before propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hands. “I had a long talk with Dad last night. He explained to me what’s been going on. Anything I can do to help?”

Beth slid onto the chair across from Heath. “Everybody’s doing what they can. Rafe’s got the locals keeping watch for Copyright 2016 - 2024