Brody (Texas Boudreau Brotherhood #3) - Kathy Ivan Page 0,5

ask her?”

Beth nodded. “Sure.”

The waffles popped up, and Beth placed them on Jamie’s plastic yellow plate. It was her favorite. She quickly added the butter and syrup, and cut the waffles into bite-size pieces before placing the plate on the table, and poured a glass of apple juice for her daughter.

Beth watched Tessa slide onto the seat across from Jamie at the battle-scarred table that came with the furnished apartment. None of it was things she’d pick, but under the circumstances, it’d do until she could figure out her next move.

“Jamie, I’ve got an important question I want to ask you.”

Jamie put down her fork, and folded her hands in her lap. She looked so cute and serious, Beth wanted to grab her phone and snap a picture. But this was Tessa’s moment, and she didn’t want to spoil the mood.

“Okay, Aunt Tessa.”

“You know Uncle Rafe and I are getting married, right?” Jamie’s hair bobbed around her shoulders at her vigorous nod.

“I like Uncle Rafe. He’s funny.”

“Uncle Rafe likes you too, sweetheart. We want to ask if you’ll be the flower girl in our wedding. Being a flower girl is a very important job. Maybe one of the most important ones in the whole wedding.”

Jaime’s forehead scrunched in concern, looking so serious Beth had to hide her smile. “What does a flower girl do?”

“You have to walk down the long row in the church, all the way from the back to the front. You get to wear a pretty new dress, carry a basket of flower petals, and you throw the flowers on the ground while you walk to the front of the church. You come out before the bride—me—so everybody will see how beautiful you look. Do you think you could do that?”

Jamie looked at her mother. “Do you think I can, Mommy?”

“I think you will be a wonderful flower girl, baby.” Beth’s heart swelled, the pride in her daughter almost overwhelming her. She was growing up so fast, too fast sometimes. While she’d love to freeze time and keep her exactly like she was at this moment, she knew Jamie was going to be an amazing person in her own right someday, and she couldn’t wait to see what she’d accomplish.

“Alright, Aunt Tessa, I can be your flower girl.” Jamie tapped her finger on the table. “Do I have to grow the flowers? I don’t know how.”

“No, we’ll get you all the flowers you need. Rafe and I are happy to have you be a part of our wedding. Now, come give me a hug, because I’m supposed to meet Ms. Patti to discuss wedding details.”

Jamie raced around the table, throwing her arms around Tessa’s neck. Beth wrapped her arms across her middle, so proud of her girl.

“I need to talk to your mommy for a minute. Go ahead and finish your waffles.” Tessa stood and motioned toward the door. Beth followed her, wondering what Tessa needed to say.

“Ms. Patti and I were talking, and we think you should consider renting the cottage where I’m staying. She’s already talked to Old Man Johnson, he’s the owner, and he doesn’t have any problem with changing the lease over to your name. I’m going to move to the Big House anyway, so Ms. Patti and I have more time to plan the wedding. You won’t have to come up with a security deposit or first and last months’ rent either. Simply take over my lease and move in.”

“Tessa, I don’t—”

“Don’t even start with me, Sis. You don’t need to be living in this apartment, where there’s barely enough room for you to turn around. There’re two bedrooms in the cottage. It’s furnished. Easy enough to turn the second bedroom from an office back into a bedroom. It’ll give me peace of mind, and give you time to look around and find a place you really like. Once Rafe and I are married, I’ll be moving into his house, which is right down the street. We’ll be neighbors. Please, do this. Not just for me, but for Jamie.”

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

“You’re doing me a favor. I didn’t want to break my lease or have the place sitting empty. It’s a win-win.”

Beth hugged Tessa tight. “Thank you. And tell Ms. Patti thanks from me.”

Tessa laughed. “I swear, she’s got her pulse on everything happening in Shiloh Springs. Sometimes I’d swear she’s psychic. She’d already talked with Mr. Johnson and made all the arrangements before I even broached the Copyright 2016 - 2024