British Black Sheep - Lauren Smith Page 0,65

my life it would hurt like hell. I couldn’t stand to think about it. I proposed to her then and there, with no ring or anything. I’m still surprised she said yes.” Preston laughed again. “We got married and then Jake came along. He’s barely two. I left my job after we got married. Now I run a small regional bank as a CFO. Great benefits, excellent daycare, and simple nine to five work hours. Haven’t worked a day of overtime all year. I never imagined I would want any of that four years ago, but it’s all that matters now. Funny how life is, isn’t it?”

“It really is.” Brie thought back to the moment she’d first seen Alec, and how he turned out so different, so much more complex and wonderful than she ever could have dreamed.

“So, how about you? Is everything okay with you?”

“I’m okay, really. I’ve got an amazing job as a ghostwriter.” She mentioned a few of her better-known books.

“Believe it or not, we have a few of those on the shelves here at the house. I’ll have to tell Izzy. She would love to know a famous author.” Brie heard only genuine sincerity in his voice. “Brie, why did you really call? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m really glad you did, but why?”

Preston had been so open and honest with her that she didn’t want to close up on him now.

“I met someone. He was a lot like you. Funny how that is.” She drew in a deep breath. “I felt things for him, but I was afraid that given what happened with us it would happen all over again. I…I think I made another mistake.”

“That’s good it, isn’t it?” Preston answered softly. “Life is about making mistakes. Not all mistakes are the end of the road. Sometimes they keep us on the right path. Call it failing forward. Don’t give up. I think you and I were practicing. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I don’t regret one minute of being married to you, Brie.” His voice softened. “You deserve to be happy and to have a life you’ve always dreamed of. Just let go of your fear and give it another chance. And even if turns out to be a mistake, try again. Fail forward.”

Brie’s throat tightened and, for moment, she couldn’t make a sound. Finally, she managed to suck in a breath. “Thank you, Preston. That means more than you know.”

“Hey, I mean it,” Preston insisted. “If you ever need me, call me. Izzy would love to meet you.”

“That might be fun. I’ll think about it.” Brie promised and she meant it. For some reason the thought of meeting Preston’s wife didn’t sound as painful as she might’ve imagined.

“Well, it’s almost dinner so I’ve got some mac & cheese to make for my little man. It’s bachelor night for Jake and me. Izzy’s at a work thing.” He laughed.

“Sounds like fun.” Brie smiled. “Take care, Preston.”

“You too, Brie.”

Brie ended the call and stared at the phone, her breath coming more deeply now. Tears blurred her eyes, but she felt free. It was as though she’d been trapped in a dark cave her whole life and was only now glimpsing the bright beautiful world around her. Even the rushing chaos at the Newark airport and the march of unclaimed luggage around the carousel seemed beautiful.

Was this what it was like to face one’s fears and learn you were strong enough to keep going forward? If it was, she could do it. Maybe love would truly find her this time.

Alec headed downstairs after finishing the last details of his acquisition. He’d worked twice as hard early this morning, but the time had still gotten away from him. He found everyone having a light lunch in the dining room.

“Alec, you came down finally.” Morgan observed that his usual smile looked forced.

“What’s the matter?” He saw more than one gloomy face amongst the crowd.

“What’s the matter?” Morgan asked. “Where the bloody hell were you three hours ago?”

“What happened three hours ago?” The pit of dread filled his stomach like lead.

“Brie’s gone.” Simon said.

Alec checked his watch, his heart lurching into his throat. “But I thought she didn’t leave until two.”

“That was her London flight,” Bridget said. “She left for Manchester this morning.”

“Why didn’t you come to get me?” Alec demanded.

Morgan stood, scowling as he crossed his arms. “Why? I can’t do everything for you Alec. If you cared enough about her you would’ve figured Copyright 2016 - 2024