Brilliance (Circle of the Stars #4) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,62

think about death or something equally as disgusting. I don’t care about your pleasure. Only your death. Right now, that gives me pleasure. But not the kind you’re talking about. That would be gross.” I shuddered. “No, you aren’t in my mind at all when I’m getting pleasured. Or giving it. I do like to give it. That makes me feel nice as well.”

He stared at me like I was an idiot too stupid to live.

I smiled. Tipped my head to the side. I guess there was no time like the present. I gathered some power in my hand. Destroy his voice. I threw it at him.

It landed. He fell back, his green eyes wide with rage. “YOU BITCH! You dare strike at me?” his voice reminded me of a certain cartoon mouse.

The Wardens behind me laughed and laughed. Their joy pulsed out in waves that I could actually feel.

That hadn’t been exactly what I meant when I told the power to destroy his voice, but I guess it was demoralizing. I’d have to be more specific in my next demand.

He flung bolt and bolt of magic at me. Green, blue, purple, red, pink. It was a never ending barrage of colors and energy.

At the sign of his first one, I held up and hand. I had no words to shape the power, but I guess the picture in my head was enough. The power he threw flitted against the shield like feathers against a window.

I didn’t even feel the energy hit. I only saw it as it bounced off.

After a while, he slumped back, out of breath and red faced.

I moved to lower the shield.

The Warden directly behind me whispered, “Not yet, Goddess. He is faking.”

I straightened my hand just as Merlin launched a giant ball of energy at us. I grunted as it hit the shield.

“Thank you,” I said softly.

He chuckled. “Thank you, Goddess.”

I raised my voice. I didn’t know if the barrier was soundproof or not and I didn’t want to have to be here any longer than necessary. “So we’re just going to stand here all day and let you smash your stupid magic against my far superior power?”

Merlin shrieked with rage. The sound so high and squeaky I had to fight back more giggles. “If my power is so below yours, how are my Risen managing to defeat your reptilian lovers?” He waved his hand in the air. A picture, not unlike a superhero movie war scene, appeared. The dragons were being slaughtered under the mostly undamaged creatures Merlin had resurrected.

That low flame of anger in my belly ripped into a full blown rage bonfire. The barrier between us fell with a flash of light.

Merlin launched another attack.

“He lies, Goddess,” the Warden said behind me. “He lies!”

I shook off his grip, stalked forward. With a simple wave of my hand, Merlin’s missile flew away and fizzled out. I brought my power into both hands. “You want to play dirty, Merlin?” I smiled as the starshine mixed with lightning on my palms. “I’ll play dirty.”

I thrust my hands up into the air. A ring of fire shot up around us. “It’s just you and me, now, you little piece of shit. You’re going to learn not to bother me. And you’ll learn that messing with my men is an absolute no-no.”

A smile I swore I’d seen before pulled at his mouth. His lips began to move, but I could hear no words. An invisible fist clamped around my heart.

I stumbled, fell to my knees on a gasp. He was a lot stronger than I’d thought. Probably bloated on my power, the asshole.

“You see, pet, I simply needed you away from your cadre. Your army. Your men. You are not nearly as strong as you think you are. Your friends and loved ones have been lying to you. Your death has always been written. You will die by my hand.”

I snorted as I tried to suck enough air into my lungs. “Like fate?”

He leaned down, ran a hand over my hair.

I shuddered back, tried to slap his hand away.

His laugh at my pathetic display grated on my nerves. “Exactly like fate. And who is your precious goddess of fate?”

My heart froze. “Ari.”

He cackled. “Yes, your loving grandmother. Did you think it was simply coincidence that you were born in the Valley?”

The bottom of my belly dropped out. I shook my head. “She didn’t know. Didn’t know my mother had be—”

He covered my mouth with his hand. “Fate, Copyright 2016 - 2024