The Brightest Night (Origin #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,204

Nate started to pace in a tight, narrow line.

“That’s why he was there that night.” My fingers stretched as the Source sent an angry push of energy through me. “He needed to see who I was with his own eyes.”

Nate shoved a hand through his hair, tugging at it. “He never told me why. He still hasn’t. This whole time, he had us believing that we were opening the tunnel as a way to get out. He lied.”

“And so you believed that he’d just give you back your sister after you helped him?” Grayson demanded.

Horror crept into the young boy’s face. “What else could I believe?”

God, I understood the position he was in. He had to believe, because if he didn’t, then there was only one harsh reality.

“It wasn’t until we cleared the tunnel a few days ago. He told me it was time to get you to follow me.” He tugged at his hair again. “I didn’t know why, and I didn’t understand why he acted the way he did when he saw you. He wanted to see you, but he made you leave.”

Because he’d gotten what he’d needed to be sure of.

“Then earlier, he took me down to the tunnel and I saw them—the men in white. The soldiers. He told me that I needed to get you to come back with me,” he said. “But I refused. I like you. You gave us food and stuff, and you were nice, and I’d already talked to Jamal and Nia. We were planning to come to you. I swear.”

“But?” Luc whispered, and I stepped closer to him, knowing that soft tone meant he was seconds from doing something bad.

“But he hit me. He kicked me. I didn’t care. Wasn’t the first time. But then he told me he had Tabby.” Tears streaked both cheeks, even the one under the swollen, bruised eye. “I didn’t have a choice.”

Did he?

He’s telling the truth, Luc’s repeated, his voice entering my thoughts. He has a sister. This man has her or at least got him believing that he does.

Part of me understood Nate’s actions. Just like I understood why Daemon and Kat and Dee and just about everyone else wanted to kill Blake while recognizing, unwillingly, that Blake had been put in a god-awful situation.

But we all had choices.

We just never knew which side we’d fall on until we had to make that choice.

“I wish you’d told me the truth earlier. We would’ve still helped,” I told him. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”

Nate closed his eye.

“Daemon,” Luc said. “Go back to the community. Warn the others that the Daedalus is here. Get them ready.”

Daemon took a step, and then he hesitated. He actually hesitated, and that said a lot, because his wife was back there, his baby. And it also said a lot that Luc was asking him to go and not Grayson. Luc had to know that Daemon wanted to be back there just in case this was something that had already turned uglier than we were aware of.

“Do you guys have this handled?” Daemon asked.

“Yes.” Luc’s gaze moved from Grayson to me. “We’ve got this.”

I nodded. “We do.”

Daemon met Luc’s stare, and then he was gone, racing off to the community, to his wife and son, and I prayed things were as we’d left them.

“Let’s go get your sister,” Luc said. “I want to meet this Morton. Super-excited about it.”

“If we go through that hall, it’s the quickest.” Nate pointed at the hall straight ahead.

“It is,” Luc confirmed. “Daemon was thinking that just before he left.”

Grayson snapped his fingers at Nate. “You. I want you right beside me. Within arm’s length the whole way.”

Frozen, Nate looked at me.

“Go to him,” I said. “He won’t hurt you.”

Grayson lifted a brow.

Nate didn’t move.

“You’re not within arm’s length,” Grayson murmured. “I do not like to wait.”

The kid gathered whatever courage he had in him and made his way to Grayson.

Luc stepped into me, his hand on my arm. “This isn’t your fault, Evie.”

I met his gaze as knots formed in my stomach. “They’re here because of me, and if something happens to the people—”

“If it does, still not your fault,” he said. “And I’ll spend the next however long reminding you of that, but right now, I need you out of here.”


“They’re here for you. The last thing we want to do is lead you right to them.” He lifted his hand to my cheek. “You have to know that would Copyright 2016 - 2024