Brick Brick (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #4) - S. Nelson Page 0,87

and Stone, I could see they weren’t happy with our new visitors. Not so much the paramedics, but the law enforcement, both scowling every time someone asked them a question. Their presence couldn’t have come at a worse time, although to be fair, the goddamn van exploding outside our gates was for sure an unforeseen occurrence. And of course, we were all worried about Cutter.

“Were you involved in the explosion?” A short, balding man with a gray beard, dressed in dark blue slacks and a white button-up suddenly appeared next to me with a pad and pen in his hand. His black, thick-rimmed glasses were smudged in the center of his left eye, and I couldn’t help but wonder how that obtrusion to his sight didn’t irritate the hell out of him. Odd thing to focus on, but it was better than everything else that plagued me.

“I saw it happen if that’s what you mean?” I all but growled at him. Addy touched my arm, the simple contact telling me to reel it in.

“Were you injured?”


“No? So, you weren’t knocked unconscious from the blast?” The crinkling of his paper as he looked back through his notes was like nails on a chalkboard. I didn’t want to be part of their investigation, nor did I want them hanging around longer than they needed to. I should’ve been upfront when he asked me but having them mixed into our business right now wasn’t good.

By this time, everyone who’d been inside was out here with us, being questioned. Most didn’t see anything, but when I peered over at my cousin, I deduced she’d been the one to tell this guy what happened to me. None of my brothers were gonna offer up additional information, I was sure of it. To be clear, it wasn’t so much a deduction as I saw her pointing at me when this guy had talked to her before me.

I wasn’t angry with her. I was more so pissed at myself for bringing her here instead of demanding she stay put at my place until I returned.

“I was, but I wasn’t injured because of it.” My ears continued to ring but other than that annoying side effect, I felt fine, like I’d been telling everyone who’s been asking.

“Did you see who left the minivan there?” he asked, pointing toward the now blown-apart gates. Realizing telling him the truth would only hinder us, I lied.

“Nope. Probably just some guy who was havin’ issues with it and saw we had a garage.”

“You don’t think the explosion was intentional, then?”

“I doubt it.”

“And why’s that?”

This fucker’s tone and line of questioning was grating on my last nerve, but I had to appear as casual as possible. Otherwise, I’d raise his suspicions. And believe me, he was skeptical. I could see it in the way he narrowed his eyes at me, silently telling me he didn’t believe a word I said. And in the way his thin lips would disappear between his teeth before popping free.

“Because what reason would they have to do that?”

“Perhaps someone has a beef with your club.”

“A beef?” I asked, barking out a laugh afterward.


“No one has a beef,” I said, using air quotes, “with us.”

“That’s not what I hear.” I wanted to punch him in the face right then, but I restrained myself, Addy’s grip on my arm repeated, and stronger this time.

“Is that all?” I took a deep breath and stared down at him, and when he finally shifted on his feet, he gave me a curt nod.

“For now.” He reached inside his pocket, pulled out a business card and handed it to me. “If you think of anything else, give me a call.” I didn’t reach out to take it, but Addy did.

“We will.” She glanced from the card, then back to him. “Detective Munson.” He returned her grin, moving on to question someone else.

“Maybe you should go back inside and rest.” She peered up at me with a worried look in her eyes. God love this woman and her doting ways. I had no idea what I, or any of the rest of us would do without her. The club relied on her medical expertise, but Addy was such a pillar of strength during times of uncertainty, she gave us all comfort.

“I’m fi—”

“Fine, I know,” she finished for me. “Okay, I’m gonna go tell my husband I’ll ride with Cutter.” From the corner of my eye, I saw them load him into the back of the Copyright 2016 - 2024