Brick Brick (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #4) - S. Nelson Page 0,68

Zoe and Braylen, just for fun, never mind as retribution for our part in igniting this fucking war back up.

“There’s something else,” I said. I hadn’t had the chance to tell Ryder this next part because everything happened so damn fast. “Zoe said there was a black truck driving erratically behind them.” Ryder picked his head up and stared at me. “She said he was gaining on her and I told her to keep going, asked if she could see what the driver looked like but she couldn’t, but she was able to see there was at least two men inside. I thought maybe it was the same guys who ran Braylen off the road, but then they passed Zoe off and drove off ahead.” I took a breath, but it didn’t do anything to calm me. “I don’t know if that truck was really following them or not.”

“It’s possible there were two vehicles involved. One to appear like they were following them, speeding up afterward, throwing the women off and another one who wasn’t as obvious.” One of Tripp and Hawke’s cousins spoke up that time. He shifted his weight to his other foot, glancing around the table quickly before looking at me, then Ryder, his eyes coming to rest on Marek soon after. “Ford Massey. This is my brother, Owen,” he said, pointing to the guy to his right. There was certainly a resemblance, not only to each other but to their cousins as well. Ford was an inch or so taller than Owen, and his brown hair was a shade darker.

“It’s not coincidental they were able to get to them the one time they didn’t have one of us with them. Those bastards have been watching, waiting for the right time to strike.” Jagger’s chest deflated. “We’ve been careful, but apparently not enough.”

“I told her not to go,” Ryder suddenly groaned. “She wouldn’t listen to me.”

“I was forceful with Zoe, too, but she was worried about Braylen and the baby. And I get it, but we were only a half hour out. Why didn’t she wait?” I asked more to myself than anyone else. Of course, no one had an answer, everyone glancing around at each other, fury and fear vying for top placement among the group.

“I say we light up their charter here. Burn that fucker to the ground,” Hawke shouted. “Then we don’t stop until we wipe them all from existence. They have another one in Santa Clara. We get rid of that one, too.”

“We can have the one close to us hit as well,” Nash offered. “Although you guys seem to have all the crazies up here.” He half chuckled, his face falling when no one seemed remotely amused.

“The only saving grace is that after the war between our two clubs years ago, they were never able to rebuild to what they once were. They’re much smaller now, only having four charters throughout the States. One in Tucson where Dutch is from, although he’s been spending a lot of his time here, one two hours north of Laredo and the two largest set here in Cali, one in Hilmar and one in Santa Clara.” Tripp ran his hand over the top of his head in worry. “And some of these local guys are as crazy as Psych was.”

Psych was the leader of the Savage Reapers during the early war. He also happened to have been Sully’s father, although I used that term loosely. He didn’t love or protect her. Instead, he used her however he could, abusing her himself before passing her off to Vex, another member of the club, who unfortunately turned out to be Tag’s father. Hence all the rage Marek felt when he found out, thinking Tag was part of them, bringing up all sorts of reminders of what happened to his wife.

“We have to find Zoe and Braylen first,” Marek retorted, the line in his forehead sharpening, directing his next question at me. “Did you try and call back? Did he make any demands? Tell you they wanted Maddie back? Anything?”

I didn’t need to look at Lincoln to know he was set to explode at the mention of Maddie. The second he took her from them, everything twisted upside down.

I understood why he did it. She’d been held prisoner and abused by them, but it didn’t make anything that happened afterward any easier. Some of the dancers from Indulge had been attacked, Ace was shot, then again, along with me, Copyright 2016 - 2024