Brick Brick (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #4) - S. Nelson Page 0,25

is sexy. It fits you.”

“You think I’m sexy?”

“Very. Now back to your name before your ego explodes.” I smacked her ass for that one and she twitched, a fire brewing behind her beautiful stare. “What kind of name is Matteo?”

“I think it’s Italian for Matthew.”

“I didn’t know you’re Italian.”

“I’m not. My mom got the name from some soap opera and she liked it.” My hand remained on Zoe’s ass, massaging the rounded cheek. I was gonna be hard again in no time if I kept it up.

“And your dad didn’t mind? He didn’t want you named after him?”

“Clifford? No, he wasn’t mean.” I chuckled.

Zoe rested her head on my chest, the warmth of her cheek comforting. “So, if I said ‘fuck me harder, Matteo,’ you wouldn’t mind?”

“Not at all.” Using both hands, I gripped her ass and moved my hips against hers. “Wanna try it out now?”

She moved off me and onto her back, spreading her legs before reaching for me. Her silent response all I needed.


After another round, we lay next to each other in utter exhaustion. Our linked fingers rested between us, his touch eliciting feelings I’d never felt before. We hadn’t known each other long, but it was as if he’d always been a part of my life, like I dreamed of him years ago and he only just now manifested.

Our chemistry was off the charts, but it was more than the physical. If I tried to explain what I felt to anyone, it wouldn’t make much sense. The emotions often confused me.

“Come here.” Brick reached for me before I could move an inch, pulling me into his side and wrapping his arm around me to hold me close. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.” The heat of his gaze was like an inferno. I wanted to look up at him, but I feared if I did, he’d see everything I wasn’t sure I was ready to reveal yet, mainly because I didn’t know how he’d react. Some people were funny about it and some got the wrong idea.

“Why don’t you go first?” I pressed my lips against his chest but continued to keep my head down. He shifted slightly beneath me and I thought I detected a wave of hesitation from him, but in the next moment, he played with a strand of my hair, twirling it around his finger.

“You already know something new about me.”


“My real name.”

“Oh, yeah. That’s right. It was a nice discovery.” Trailing my fingers over his stomach, his muscles constricted, then relaxed. And as I moved lower, his breathing increased. I was torn between wanting to discover more about him and resorting to a diversion of the best kind.

His hand caught mine right before I grabbed his dick. “Nice try. Now it’s your turn.”

I contemplated what to tell him. Several heartbeats passed before I opened my mouth, but the moment I sucked in a lungful of air, my cell rang from the other room. It rang three more times before going to voice mail.

“I better see who that is.” He still had my hand in his grasp and his grip tightened. “It might be my boss.”

“Or it might be Andy.” He tried to keep his jealousy at bay but failed, the quick tic of his jaw telling me all I needed to know.

“I do need to know where to meet my friends later,” I responded, emphasizing the plural part of friends.

Brick shifted on the bed. “What do you mean? I thought we already talked about this. You’re not goin’.”

If my brows shot upward any further, they’d get lost in my hair. “What…? We didn’t…. No….” I was unable to form a complete sentence, he had me so flustered, both in confusion and irritation.

I sat up as did he, his head tilting as he seemed to study my face. “We discussed this already,” he said, moving off the bed and standing in front of me, his burliness meant to intimidate me in some way I was sure, whether he was conscious of his stance or not. “It’s not safe for you to be without me.”

“I asked you to come with me. Remember?” I hopped off the bed as well, keeping my distance for fear he’d change my mind with a simple touch. When I reached for the covers to shield my nakedness, he ripped them out of my hand. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t hide from me.”

“I’m not. I’m cold.”

“Liar.” His voice deepened as he took a step toward me.

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