Brick Brick (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #4) - S. Nelson Page 0,136

mean insecurity didn’t swallow me up every time. Over the past year, I’d filled out more, my appetite coming back in full force once I was with Linc and allowed to eat whenever I wanted. I had curves but I was still considered on the thin side.

One time, he made the mistake of taking me with him, I supposed to show me there was nothing for me to worry about, but his plan backfired. Every woman in there had huge boobs and curves for days. Whatever confidence I had in myself waned when I saw them strutting around. Thankfully, no one approached Linc, but when he saw the fallen look on my face, he finished up whatever he had to do, and we left.

He apologized for days when I fell into a brief funk. But I couldn’t help it. After everything that happened, I didn’t believe I deserved Linc or his love. I’d gotten better with time, but every now and again, a wave of uncertainty creeped up on me.

“Do you think I wasn’t crazy jealous when you were photographing those guys? Because I was. I wanted to rip their eyes out for even looking at you.” His muscles bristled with remembrance.

Morgan had originally been impressed with the nature shots I took but more so with the one I shot of Linc when he was sleeping, skipping over the one of him in the nude. And because of that, she asked how I would feel shooting other people. Half of them were male, the half that turned Linc into a green-eyed monster for a while.

“None of them caught my interest. You’re the only one I want.”

“I know.” The upturn of his mouth put me more at ease. “We both get jealous and insecure, babe. We just have to remind each other sometimes. No biggie.” He gave me a flirty wink. When some men did it, they came off cocky and arrogant, but when Linc did it, he was sexier than normal. A flush washed over my skin, but I tamped down my libido because we were surrounded by his friends and I didn’t want to get myself all worked up. We’d be here for a few hours at least and I didn’t want to torture myself. Besides, I hadn’t been feeling all that great this morning. I hoped it was simply nerves for Saturday’s showing and not a stomach bug.

Clutching my hand, he pulled me toward the table that was set up along the outside bar, never letting go as he made our plates with his free hand.

“I can help.” I tried to tug my hand free, but he wouldn’t let go.

“I can do it.”

“You can do it faster with both hands.” I laughed, attempting one more time to get him to release me, but he held firm.

Shifting on his feet, his mouth was against my ear, his warm breath eliciting a wave of goose bumps to pop up all over my skin. “I can do it faster with both hands.” All he did was echo my words back to me and I was a puddle at his feet. “Wanna see?”

“We can’t.”

He glanced around quick before his eyes landed on mine. “Why not?”

“Because we’re not at home,” I reminded him, laughing when he bunched the material of my dress in his hand and kissed my neck.


“Lincoln.” I said his name in warning but failed to stop laughing.

“Oh, it’s Lincoln now, is it?” He smothered me in kisses, not a care in the world his family and friends were gawking at us.

“Get a room.” Ace walked by us. “We did,” he revealed, his arm swung around Chelsea’s waist. I was so happy the two of them worked things out. I loved them as a couple and Ace deserved every bit of happiness.

I didn’t see Ryder walk up behind us at first, but I heard him loud and clear. “You better not have,” he shouted to Ace’s retreating back, but the only thing he did was turn around and laugh.

“Hey, the only people having sex in this house are me and my wife. If I catch anyone else, there’s gonna be hell to pay.” Ryder’s expression was stern, and it was exactly why I didn’t give in to Linc’s hint of getting down and dirty in someone else’s house.

“Gross, Dad.” Roman was sitting at a nearby table, his face scrunching in horror at his father’s outburst.

“Yeah, Dad. No one wants to hear about that.” Zoe at least smiled when she teased him. Copyright 2016 - 2024