The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,58

him go to your cabin, even if I have to use a sedative and bring him there on a gurney.”

Darla laughed.

Jessa didn’t. “I wasn’t kidding. I’d so do that. I’ll even admit I’ve thought about it a time or ten since the Veslors came onboard, just to get one of them on my scan bed to learn more about them. I just haven’t done it because they’re scary as fuck, probably hold a grudge, and the fleet would punish me by tacking on more time to my contract.” She suddenly grinned. “At least they wouldn’t fire me. They invested too much damn money in me as a kid. I definitely have job security.”

Chapter Fourteen

Gnaw chewed his food, keeping his head tucked low. They were in the cafeteria eating an early dinner. Abby had family business to tend to and wouldn’t be meeting them until later at home. He planned to ask her to go talk to Darla in person if Maith forgot to bring it up.

Roth grunted.

He looked up at the male.

“The food did nothing to you. You are stabbing it hard enough to break the plate.”


“We are all angry about the Elth,” Drak assured him. “No matter how many of them we have killed, it is never enough.”

“I’m only sorry we’re being assigned to protect the humans on that planet and our repair teams.” Roth glanced at all of them. “I’d enjoy watching another Elth ship being destroyed. I’m certain Clark or Commander Bills will allow us to watch the recordings when we return from our mission.”

Maith suddenly snarled, and his body tensed.

Gnaw turned his head, following the male’s gaze. It was Dr. Jessa Brick. She was one human who was easily identifiable, with her black hair and those bright blue streaks running from the top of her head down to the ends. Her eyes were memorable as well.

She seemed to be heading right toward their table.

Maith rose to his feet, glaring at her. It didn’t make her change course. Instead, she jutted her chin up a little higher, her hands balling into fists. She even picked up her pace, walking faster, until she stopped near Roth.

“Female,” their leader said by way of greeting. “We still do not wish to answer your intrusive questions or allow you to run tests on us.” He shot a glare at Maith. “Sit.”

Maith sat. “No means no. Isn’t that an Earth saying?”

Jessa narrowed her eyes on Maith. “Yes. It is. So is shut your trap and let the adults talk. Why don’t you think about the meaning of that one?” She turned her head, addressing Roth. “We need to speak. It’s important.”

Roth sighed, setting down his silverware. They used them in the dining room since eating with their fingers generated stares and whispers from humans. “Send all your requests to our king, Dr. Brick. He is the only one allowed to release medical information to you about our race. My males are not here to be tested or examined simply because you are curious.”

“Goddamn it,” she muttered. Then she lowered her voice. “We have a problem. This isn’t about the requests I’ve made to you in the past. It’s related to the Elth.”

Roth pulled his communications device to glance at it. “I haven’t gotten an update or been called to meet with Clark.”

“Put that away.” Jessa glanced around and pasted on a smile that was obviously false. “I need your grouping to casually get up a few minutes after I leave, then go meet me in my lab.” She glanced at Gnaw, her expression softening, before she stared back at Roth. “We’ll have privacy there.” She glanced around at the many humans eating. “Unlike here. Trust me. This is something we don’t want anyone else to know about. And it’s urgent.”

“I’ll have Clark meet us there.” Roth lifted his communications device.

The female grabbed hold of his hand.

Roth stilled, a low growl coming from him in warning.

“Put that damn thing away. We need to talk in private. Just the five of us. I know you don’t like or trust me. I’m a huge pain in the ass to you guys. Got it. Understand. But for once, please do what I’m asking. We have to speak, no one else involved, and it’s super important. If I’m lying, you can let Maith over there kick my ass, and I won’t even press charges. He always looks like he wants to anyway. Will you come to my lab?”

Roth tugged his hand out of her hold and replaced Copyright 2016 - 2024