The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,53


The doors were sealed when she arrived, but there was a button. She pushed it.

The doors didn’t open.

She really needed to figure out how to turn on the communications console in her cabin. Jessa might not even be at the lab right now.

Then the doors suddenly slid open, and Jessa stood there with a smile.

“Hey! Come on in. What a great surprise when I saw you on the monitor.”

Darla stepped inside the lab and followed her friend to a long counter where three monitors were showing a planet. It wasn’t Earth or Radison, the only two she could identify by sight. “Is that the one you’re researching?”

Jessa glanced at the screens and then nodded. “One of them. I have two research projects to tackle right now. I can’t go into details because this one is a prohibited planet. They’re classified, since the fleet doesn’t want anyone to learn too much about them in case civilian idiots want to break the law by visiting. We get some assholes who like to try to land on places like that to steal shit like exotic pets or stones they think might sell on the black market.”

“I didn’t know that was a thing.”

“It is. Prohibited planets have beacons, and they send alerts to the fleet if any ships go near them. Why haven’t you responded to my messages? I wanted to have dinner with you last night.”

“I haven’t learned how to use much in my cabin. I didn’t know you were trying to reach me. I’m sorry.”

“I can swing by there this evening to show you how to use stuff. Do you want to share dinner tonight? Maybe we could have a few drinks at one of the bars.” Jessa hesitated. “I don’t dance, though. Do you?”

“I’m from Radison. It’s against the law.”

Jessa’s mouth fell open and she gaped at her. “For real?”

“Yes. We’re also not allowed to drink alcohol, either. I know what a bar is, and dancing. Only men are allowed to enter those kinds of establishments.”

“I fucking hate your planet.”

Darla laughed. “I don’t miss it.”

“I don’t blame you. How’s your new job? I love the uniform. It looks comfortable. The shoes are kind of terrible.”

“We get our feet wet often.” She shrugged. “They aren’t fashionable but they’re effective. I used to get blisters if my shoes were damp. These dry too fast to do that.”

“You must work weird hours, since you’re here and it’s not close to one of the normal shift changes. Take a seat. Do you want to hang with me until I can leave? I have to do a little more research and then send that information to the people waiting for it. Just swear not to tell anyone if you see something you shouldn’t.”

Darla licked her lips. “Um, my sister made leave my shift early. I’ve had a headache for a few days and she wanted me to see a doctor. I told her it’s from stress and being rundown. But she’s a worry wart, since it’s just her and I until our family can get jobs to be with us.”

Jessa stepped closer and her blue eye began to glow. Then she frowned. “You’re running a fever.”

“You can tell that just by looking at me?”

“Yes.” Her gaze lowered. “Let me see your thigh. Go jump up on my med bed.”

“It’s fine. It’s healing nicely.”

“Med bed—now. No bitching about it. I’m going to give you an exam.”

Darla sighed and walked around the counter to the med bed, climbing on it to sit on the side.

“Lay down. I might as well do a full body scan on you this time around. I’m not frazzled anymore after our ordeal with the Elth, or pissed off at Doctor Jenson for being a prick.” She chewed on her lower lip. “Fuck. I hope I didn’t miss something. What other symptoms do you have?”

“Just the headache.”

“Fever, too. What else?” Jessa grabbed a handheld device and tapped at it.

“I’m sleeping a lot. I didn’t get much while we were in captivity, and I’ve been stressed. New job. Thinking about Gnaw. I tend to sleep more when I’ve got a lot going on in my life. I’ve always been that way.”

“Have you talked to him?”


“Damn. I was hoping the two of you would become a couple.”

Darla turned her head, staring in surprise at her friend.

Jessa looked slightly sheepish. “I’ve been trying to learn more about Veslors since they came onboard. They refuse to come into my lab for some tests or answer my questions. I Copyright 2016 - 2024