The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,31

plainly stamped on her features.

“It was either that or they’d have killed me, taken you in there next, and then killed you when you didn’t breed with him. Gnaw would never force a woman. Ever. I know he looks scary but he’s extremely respectful and kind. We knew that the fleet would look for us. That meant we just needed to stall for time.”

Her sister didn’t look convinced.

“I wouldn’t lie to you, Becky. Gnaw didn’t hurt me in any way. He’s a very good man.”

Becky closely studied her face. “I believe you. Can we go home now? Do you think the fleet will take us back to Radison?”

Darla took hold of her sister’s hand. “We can’t ever go back there. I’m sorry.”

“Why? None of this would have happened if we’d just stayed at our greenhouse.”

“Oh, Becky.” Sadness had Darla feeling as if she might cry next. She just wanted to protect her baby sister. “There were things happening on Radison that we didn’t tell you about. Bad things.”

“Like what? After all this, I deserve the truth, Darla.”

She was right. Darla knew the time had come. She could have been killed by the Elth. That would have left Becky alone to fend for herself. And what if her sister tried to return to their home world at some future point? “It’s common knowledge that women aren’t treated the same way men are on our planet.”

“Yes. Men have a lot more freedom, like saying curse words and dressing however they wish.”

“It’s more than that. Men get to choose what career they want. They’re the ones who decide who they wish to marry and when. They don’t need our permission, only our father’s, to take us as wives. Becky…inspectors and other officials on our planet look for attractive women who aren’t married or engaged. They take them to work in the brothels. Women aren’t allowed to say no. They’re forced into that line of work. Our old inspector, Anthony, agreed to never let that happen to us. The new inspector wouldn’t have hesitated to turn us in.”

Becky paled.

“That’s why we left. Mom, Dad, and our brothers knew I was getting us jobs with the fleet. United Earth has laws that protect women from being forced into sexual servitude on fleet ships.”

“But brothel workers are women who don’t want marriage; they chose to make money by selling their bodies.”

“That isn’t true, Becky. Our leaders make a lot of money by selling sex to visitors. It’s highly profitable. Young, unmarried women are taken from their families against their wills and never returned.”

Becky shook her head. “That can’t be true!”

“It is. We never wanted you to worry about being taken away when we were doing everything we could to prevent that from happening. It just would have upset you to know there was a risk.”

Her sister suddenly yanked her hand away, anger flashing in her eyes. “Our leaders can’t do that! They’re breaking their own laws. It’s wrong. It’s not fair!”

“Life isn’t always fair. We can’t go back to Radison. The new inspector will have already visited our greenhouse, noticed we’re gone, and alerted the law keepers. We didn’t get permission to leave. Not that they would have given it to us. Women aren’t allowed to leave Radison unless they’re traveling with their husbands.”

Tears flooded Becky’s eyes and her lower lip trembled. “You’re saying we’ll never see our parents and brothers again?”

“That’s not true,” Darla quickly stated. “We will be a family again. It was part of our plan. Once more jobs open in the gardens on Defcon Red, they’ll apply for them.”

“Miss Mitt?” A masculine voice startled them both.

Darla turned her head, staring at the man in the dark blue fleet uniform with the medical patch. “Me or her? I’m Darla, and this is my sister, Becky.”

“I’m Doctor Jenson.” He glanced at Becky. “I need a moment alone with Darla.”

“I’ve got nothing to hide from my sister.” Not anymore, Darla silently added. Now that she’d finally told Becky the painful truth of why they’d had to flee their home.

He frowned as he turned his dark gaze her way. “I have private questions to ask you. Intimate ones. It’s about what took place between you and the Veslor while you were with the Elth.”

Darla didn’t look forward to answering. “Give us a few minutes, Becky.”

Her sister hesitated but then stood, moving away. Darla glanced down, making sure the blanket kept her modesty in place. It was covering her legs, feet, and lap. Her shirt was still Copyright 2016 - 2024