The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,29

avoid showing how insulted or angry they might make him. It was a warning that the humans would try his patience and control.

“How are you?” Roth pulled him against his suit, touching their foreheads together.

Gnaw reached up and put his hand on Roth’s arm, giving it a squeeze. His grouping leader was worried about his mental state. “I am good. Strong. Resilient. Nothing done here has damaged me. I need food, a shower, and rest. That is all.”

The door behind them suddenly opened and they stepped apart, releasing each other. Clark Yenna, Craig Treeton, and most of the members of Teams Two and Four openly stared at them.

“Our medic will look Gnaw over. I know you want to interview him. Once he is medically cleared, has a shower, and eats food, we will let you ask your questions,” Roth announced.

“That’s n―”

“Sounds like a good plan,” Clark Yenna said, cutting off whatever Craig Treeton had been about to say. “I’m glad to see you, Gnaw.” The older human male smiled. “Good work tearing the shit out of some of those slimy bastards.” He spoke to Roth next. “The shuttle is ready to fly you over to Defcon Red. I’ll have the rest of your grouping meet you there.”

“Sir,” Craig Treeton hissed. “You heard the report. Gnaw needs to be processed for evidence and interrogated immediately.”

Clark spun on the human male, clearly furious. “Those survivors have no idea what took place between Gnaw and the woman taken to him. That’s not an official report. It’s speculative bullshit at best. I know Gnaw. He’d never rape anyone. Now shut your trap and remember who’s in charge. That would be me.”

Craig Treeton pressed his lips together.

Clark addressed Roth. “Take Gnaw to shuttle six. Drak and Maith should already be waiting for you. I’ll stick around here to clean up this mess and let you know when I return. Then we’ll deal with debriefings.”

Roth nodded. “Follow me, Gnaw. We studied the deck plans of Elth ships while in pursuit. I know where we’re going.”

Gnaw walked behind Roth. The humans parted for them. No one else stopped them as they traveled through the Elth ship. Gnaw saw bodies of the aliens being stacked alongside those of humans. There were many of them.

Roth slowed his pace to allow him to walk at his side.

“Why did it take so long to reach us?”

“They attacked a civilian transport in orbit, causing failure to their life support and engines. Defcon Red responded to that ship’s distress beacon. That’s when we received your alert that something was wrong. Defcon Red couldn’t abandon the eighty-two lives in jeopardy. We rescued them, and then were able to pursue the missing shuttle. Our grouping knew which direction to go…I had to tell Commander Bills about our locators. He swore to keep them secret. The Elth have technology to shield their ships, but we could still feel you.”

“You fixed on me and found them.”

“Yes.” Roth bumped his arm. “We weren’t going to lose you.”

“I’m surprised the humans would go to such trouble to retrieve me.”

“It wasn’t only you taken. It’s a matter of pride with the fleet to retrieve their own people.”

Gnaw respected that.


He jerked his head up as they entered a large room. It was where the transport shuttle had been when the Elth had torn open the top, and he’d attacked them. The original shuttle wasn’t there anymore, but three others from Defcon Red were sitting in the vast space. Drak and Maith rushed toward him, happiness and relief on their faces.

Drak reached him first, pulling him into his embrace to give him a hard hug. “We were worried.”

Gnaw gave him a strong pat on the back. “I am well.”

“It’s my duty to determine that after I’ve checked you over.” Maith shoved Drak aside and hugged him next, only gentler. “What is the most serious injury you have sustained?”

“I’m not hurt,” Gnaw promised, hugging him back.

Maith released him, glancing up and down his body again. Then the male reached up and removed his helmet. He sniffed loudly…and his features tensed. “You’re carrying the faint scent of a female on you.”

“We will discuss this later,” Roth whispered. “Not here.”

Drak removed his helmet and inhaled a few times. His gaze locked on Gnaw.

“Later,” Roth reminded them, glancing around at the few humans milling around the bay.

Drak jerked his head toward one of the shuttles. “Let’s return to Defcon Red. The human named Gracer is piloting shuttle six. We’ll be alone otherwise.”

Gnaw knew the males wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024