The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,23

be on a planet or a station.”

He grunted and lifted off her back, gently withdrawing his still-hard rod from her sex. She felt a little tender, but the Elth had continually demanded they breed. She’d lost count of how many sessions they had each day. Their captors even complained if Gnaw only took her once per time.

“Breed her,” the tiresome voice demanded from the speaker.

Gnaw threw back his head and roared. It startled her bad enough to slip off the edge of the bed. Her bare feet hit the floor and she almost lost her balance but Gnaw wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side.

He faced the cameras. “I will kill you all for doing this to us.”

“Have you bonded with her? We will bring in another female if this one isn’t compatible.”

She hoped Gnaw wasn’t mad enough to lie by saying he’d mated her. They’d discussed it the night before while lying on the padded table, pretending to sleep. Darla feared if he said they were mates, the Elth would kill the other women. Then again, they might kill her if they lost patience, and send in her sister next.

“It takes time to form the bond,” Gnaw snarled. “You know nothing about Veslors. Fools.”

The insult had her inwardly wincing, and she turned into his side, rubbing his bare stomach. He lowered his head and their gazes met. She silently pleaded with him to let go of his anger.

He closed his mouth and pressed his lips together, giving her a very slight nod.

She relaxed and pressed her check to his chest. “We need just a little more time,” she stated loudly. “We’re trying to bond. It doesn’t help when you keep interrupting us. He’s highly stressed. You heard what Doctor Brick said. Remember? She said it could take time.”

“We want results,” the Elth snapped. “This is taking too long.”

“We’re doing the best we can.” She blinked back tears. Gnaw’s arm tightened around her, and he gave her a squeeze. “It would help if you brought Gnaw meat. His kind need it.”

Gnaw frowned and met her gaze again. She gave a small shrug. He’d complained about it over every food bucket they’d received.

Only silence answered them.

“They turned it off,” he whispered.

“I’m sure they’ll be giving us more commands soon. They do it every few hours.”

He released her and motioned toward the sink. She walked over to it and turned. They had the routine down now. Gnaw picked her up and sat her on the tall counter, where she removed the shirt she practically lived in, no longer putting anything on below her waist. The Elth wanted them to have sex too much to bother.

Gnaw turned on the water and they both washed their bodies as best as they could, until large puddles wet the floor.

“You should free your hair and I’ll wash it.”

It was tempting, but Darla shook her head. “I’d really like a shower and hair cleaner but it’s best to keep it braided. I have a lot of it. It would clog the drains in that tiny sink and take forever to dry.” She hopped down then moved between him and the sink, washing her face and using water to wash out her mouth. Then she straightened, turning off the water.

Gnaw reached out and took hold of her thick braid, examining it. “I could cut it.” He showed her his claws. “I’d hate to. I’d like to see it free. It must be beautiful.”

She smiled. “It would be weird to not have it. Part of me resents that I’ve never been allowed to do more than trim it. Long hair can be a pain. But I’m so used to it now that it would be strange if I cut it off. My mother used to brush our hair every night. It was like mother/daughter bonding time. I plan to do the same with Becky on Defcon Red. I’m hoping it will make her miss our home and family a little less.”

“You’re a good sister.”

“Becky would argue with you about that. I bet she’s mad at me right now, blaming me for us being in this mess. We wouldn’t have been kidnapped if we hadn’t been on that shuttle.”

“You were attempting to protect her.”

“She doesn’t know why we had to leave. Becky had a bad scare when she was six, involving three criminals breaking into our greenhouse. She was playing, and she heard them kicking in one of the exterior doors to gain entry. She Copyright 2016 - 2024