Breaking up with My Boss - Alexis Winter Page 0,84


“It’s perfect,” she says, pulling back to look me in the eye.

“Stop that,” I say, voice hard.

“Stop what?”

“Stop trying to distract me with your midnight eyes. We have to leave. We have a flight to catch.” I can’t hold back my smile.

She laughs. “But I just realized that we’ve never done it on the boat.”

She’s right. “All right,” I agree, lifting my hips and pushing my shorts down as she moves to straddle me.

With one arm wrapped around her lower back and the other between her shoulder blades, I pull her down on me and enter her like home. The plane can wait, and if it doesn’t, there are other options. But being with her in this way will always be the most important thing. She’ll always come before everything else—always top priority.

With the light breeze blowing and the boat softly rocking, we both come undone in record time. I fill her with every last drop and she tenses around me, welcoming it like it quenches a thirst. I kiss her one last time, knowing that this is how we’ll always be. I’ll make sure of it—never slacking on my efforts to keep her happy. Never pushing her to the back burner for something more pressing. She is my life.

When we’ve both managed to regain control of our bodies, she removes herself from me to fix her clothing, then she takes her seat with a smile and I start up the boat. As we make our journey across the water, I can’t help but take her in: her wide smile, her shining eyes, her dark hair blowing in the breeze, the way her skin shimmers when the light hits it, and her sun-kissed shoulders. I burn it all into my memory, knowing that each year we come here, we’ll both be a little different—a little older, but still just as much in love.

I used to worry about where the future would lead me, but with her by my side, I no longer worry, because I know it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if I lose all my money or all my possessions, because I’ll always have her. And as long as I always have her, I’ll always be rich.

Finding that one person who was meant for you—finding true love—is more important than anything money could ever buy. And if you have your other half, hold on to them. Don’t let the pressures of the world get you down or tear you apart. We’re born alone and we die alone, but we don’t have to be alone. As long as you’ve loved, you’ll always have that person with you, even in the darkest of times . . . even in the end.

She looks over at me and although it’s too loud to hear with the wind in our ears, she mouths, “I love you.”

I smile. “I love you. Forever.”

If you LOVED Breaking up with My Boss then make sure you check out Foster and Harley’s story in My Accidental Forever!

My Accidental Forever SNEAK PEEK

First he bailed me out of jail.

Then we ended up accidentally married...yeah I know, it's a wild ride.

Thats when I found out he was already promised to someone else.

Cue operation secretly getting divorced and pretending I’m not falling for him...

Chapter One


“I’m engaged!” my best friend, Cora, nearly screams as she jumps up and down in front of me. Her right hand is fanning her face. The left is held out, showing off her beautiful, sparkling diamond ring for me to see.

I do my best to force a smile, hoping and praying that it looks genuine, but who am I kidding? I’m not good at faking anything. My resting bitch face always gives me away. “Congratulations,” I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster as I take her left hand in mine and look at her ring.

She pulls me forward into a rib-crushing hug. Her giggles turn to tears. “Oh, Harley. I didn’t think this day would ever come,” she says, sniffling. “Now you’re the only one that’s left.”

Yeah, rub it in. That makes things better.

Let me start by saying that I’m not your stereotypical girl. I’ve never been one to dream of my prince charming or the perfect wedding. It’s not that I’m just dying to get married, but it sucks that I’m the last of my friends who is still single. Sarah has two kids already. Jessica is pregnant. Lilly, Meredith, and now Cora are all engaged. And myself…well, I have a couple of foster Copyright 2016 - 2024