Breaking up with My Boss - Alexis Winter Page 0,74

spin her around so she lands softly against my chest, and I hold her close as I begin to lead.

“That’s a relief,” she breathes out.

“Nah, it’s all about who’s around to witness. And my father is not a fan of witnesses. He couldn’t not address me. Then the rumor mill would churn with possible family drama. He can’t have anyone thinking that.”

She shakes her head. “I can’t even begin to understand how someone can live a life worrying about other people’s opinions, or how someone can try so hard to keep up appearances.”

“Welcome to the life I grew up in,” I respond.

She lets the conversation drop as we dance, and I can tell she isn’t comfortable here, but I keep trying to get her to forget everyone else and just focus on having a good time with me like we always do.

After we dance, we find a table to rest at for a bit. A few more people come over to talk, including my father’s old friend, Jefferson, and his new, young wife, Tabitha. Jefferson is my father’s age. Tabitha’s around 21. Yeah, that’s a gold digger if I ever saw one. But I don’t point it out. I just keep up with the conversation, keeping things light. Nothing serious is discussed, as is the norm at these types of parties. Poppy and Tabitha sit and chat a while and they seem to be hitting it off. I hear a few giggles and laughs as I talk with Jefferson.

When the couple leaves, Poppy excuses herself to use the restroom, leaving me alone. I hope she hurries, because I fear having to talk to one of my exes since a couple of them are also in attendance. While she’s gone, I focus on enjoying my drink while taking in the party, looking at faces, and trying to remember why I ever tried so hard to be a part of this world. I haven’t done this type of thing in years, and now I’m suddenly seeing why. I try to look at everything from Poppy’s point of view as an outsider. People wear fake smiles, fake laugh, and pretend everything’s perfect. I could point out 10 guys right now who are having affairs on the wives who are on their arms, pretending their whole life is perfect. Now more than ever, I want nothing to do with these people. I want to live a normal life—a happy life where I come home every night to the woman I love. I want happy children who feel like they have it all because they have two parents who love them.

I’m far past my limit of pretenses for the evening, so as soon as Poppy exits the restroom, I’m taking her home where we can get started on that life, not this one.

My father comes up to me and pats me on the shoulder. “Come with me,” he says.

“Dad, I’m just about to head out. I don’t have time for this.”

He stops walking away and spins around to face me. “Matthew, there is someone here I’d like to introduce you to. Please, come with me.”

To keep from making a scene, I get up and follow him over to a group of men. “Gentlemen, this is my son, Matthew Lewis III.” He smiles proudly. “Matthew, these are my old college buddies, Frank, Jim, Barry, and Justin Burns.”

Justin Burns? That’s a name I recognize. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” I say, moving in to shake their hands.

“We’ve heard a lot about you,” one of the men says. “You sure do make your father proud.”

I let out a bitter laugh. “I doubt that.”

My father places his hand on my shoulder. “Now, son, don’t be modest. I’m very proud of you and what you do. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before you’re opening your own law office.”

“Well, you’ve invested in his business, I’m sure,” another guy says.

“Of course. He knows as soon as he’s ready for that next step, he doesn’t have to go to anyone but me,” Dad gushes like he wasn’t just telling me my soon-to-be wife wasn’t good enough.

I can’t just stand here and take these lies built upon lies. I can’t even keep them straight anymore. “Excuse me, gentlemen, but I must go. Please carry on,” I say, interrupting their talk. Dad gives me an angry scowl, but I turn my back on him like he’s done to me so many times. I walk away, looking for Poppy. I was Copyright 2016 - 2024