Breaking up with My Boss - Alexis Winter Page 0,71

right. I never cared about what people thought of me before. Why am I letting it affect me now? I’m happy with Matthew. I love him and he loves me. Why shouldn’t we get what we both want?

“No one is taking me away from you,” I reply, lifting my head from his chest to look up at him. Our eyes lock and something is exchanged. Honesty. Truth. Love.

I reach around his neck and pull his mouth to mine. He kisses me softly and slowly, full of love and relief—relief that I’m not running.

He picks me up against him. “Come on. Let’s go to bed,” he says, carrying me out of my bathroom, down the hall, and into his room where we stay for the rest of the night.

After that, things return to normal. We go to work, then we come home every night to be together, even though we each have our own things to do. I’ve finished my etiquette classes, which were mostly pointless, but at least I now know which fork to use during each course of a fancy dinner. I also have my piano lessons and my personal trainer. Matthew has changed his workout schedule around so we’re both at the gym at the same time. This gives us more time together outside of the gym too. Every Friday night, we go to his grandmother’s house for dinner, but his father hasn’t shown his face again.

Matthew says his father has always gotten everything he’s ever wanted. But he didn’t get what he wanted this time, so he’s off sulking. He bets he won’t show his face at dinner again for a long time.

Sunday mornings, the three of us have brunch. Once a month, we switch it up and enjoy high tea. I’m really connecting with his grandmother in ways I never expected to. She tells me stories about Matthew as a child and the trouble he’d get into. She tells me things about the family—people I’ve never met. She also tells me stories from her youth: how she grew up, the things she did, the men she’d been with. It’s like diving into an old history book that’s more personal—not just facts, but opinions too. I truly enjoy every minute I get to spend with her, and the funny thing is, I find myself wanting to call her throughout the day like she’s my best friend. I don’t want to bother her though, so I usually just make a mental note of things to talk about the next time we see her.

Time passes quickly and perfectly. Locked away at home, we always felt like nothing could ever get to us, but now, nothing can get to us out there either. We’re together forever. I almost feel like I’m living a real-life version of the Cinderella story—a poor girl who never had anyone finally finds her Prince Charming. And although life isn’t perfect and Matthew and I still have our squabbles from time to time, we always overcome it with laughter and love.

Months pass and our wedding preparations begin. We hire a wedding planner and find a location. We opt for a destination wedding at his grandmother’s private island. I never saw myself getting married on the beach, but it seems fitting considering how he proposed. And honestly, I can’t wait to go back. The ceremony will be private—only close friends and family. And all their expenses are paid, including the hotel we’re renting for them to stay in after the festivities are done. I don’t think anyone has ever invited everyone to their honeymoon location then sent them away instead of leaving them behind, but I like the backwardness of it all. Not to mention, Chicago is booked solid for years to come. It’s like if you want a nice venue in Chicago, you have to book it when you’re born. I didn’t want the stress of it all. This seemed like the best and easiest option.

Now the countdown begins. The wedding planner is handling every aspect for me after I gave her full control, not caring about any of the details as long as he and I are together. My only job is to find a dress and show up. Matthew knows I’m not much of a shopper, so instead of sending me out with a credit card in hand, he arranges for someone to bring racks and racks of dresses to me in the privacy of our own home. He promises to stay in his Copyright 2016 - 2024