Breaking up with My Boss - Alexis Winter Page 0,60

bikinis, sandals, shorts. Given that you live in Chicago, I know you probably don’t have a whole lot of that stuff.”

“I have plenty,” I argue, not wanting to spend his money.

“Well, you never did replace the things that were in that bag I threw out. So go buy yourself a new wardrobe for our trip. And don’t argue. Just do it. And don’t forget your passport,” he says, giving me one last kiss.

I slip the card into my purse and shake my head. “Fine. What time are we leaving?”

“Our flight leaves at 7 p.m. tonight.” He goes back to his desk and I turn and walk out of his office.

I can’t hold back my excitement as I leave the apartment. I wonder where he’s taking me. Why the surprise? Does it have anything to do with his father’s call last night, followed by the hours he spent in his office? I have to admit, last night things got intense with us. It wasn’t like our usual playing and fucking around. Last night seemed serious. Every time he touched my skin, I felt the power behind it. Maybe he’s preparing to let me go. That would explain the intense sex and why he feels the need to take me away. It’s like he’s offering me one more week of pure happiness with him before he ships me back to my rundown apartment. That makes me worry, but if that’s the case, I refuse to let this end badly.

Sure, it didn’t start well, but things have been almost magical between us lately. I won’t ruin it by refusing to say goodbye when it’s time.

I finally make it to the tea room where I’m meeting his grandmother, and I’m shown to a table where she’s already sitting.

“Good morning, dear,” she says as I slide into my seat.

“Good morning. How are you doing?” I ask, lifting a glass of water and taking a sip.

“I’m doing very well. My body has finally adjusted to the new medication, and I feel like I could bench press a truck,” she laughs out and I join in.

“Well, I’m sure you’re wondering why I was so insistent on this meeting.”

I smile.

“After I saw Matthew’s—my Matthew, not yours—reaction to the news of the engagement, I was mortified. How shameful his behavior was.” She shakes her head. “You’d think he would’ve figured out by now that the world doesn’t revolve around him. I’m just glad I did a much better job at raising young Matthew than I did my own son.” She picks up her tea and takes a sip. “I’ve seen Matthew turn from a man who was more like his father into a man I’ve become proud of, and that has everything to do with you, dear. That’s a change only love can make—your love.”

“Oh, I didn’t do anything,” I say, waving her off.

“But you did. You see, before your engagement, Matthew wasn’t the man he is now. He was closed-off, stubborn, selfish. He viewed the world much like his father does. It pained me to see him turning into a bitter, jaded man at such a young age. But now, he’s open, caring, giving, and in love. All of this change was brought on by you accepting his proposal.”

Or by me smashing his car, but same difference, I guess.

“I’m very proud of how you’ve changed him by simply loving him. I see the way he looks at you; he’s never looked at another woman that way. So all this change must be you.”

Is she right? Does he look at me differently than he did before this arrangement started? Does he love me? As I think about that question, I do a comparison in my head. How is he the same? How is he different? By the end, I know she’s right. Last night was completely different than all the times before. And he didn’t talk. Not once. Was he trying to tell me he loved me with actions instead of words? Is this trip meant to be something bigger?



I have no fucking clue what I’m doing. I’m flying by the seat of my pants, hoping and praying that this works out. After last night, she has to know, right? I’ll admit, I was angry when I saw the file my father had sent over. I was pissed that he would have the nerve to butt into my life like this. I was mad that he went to such great lengths to show me all the dirt he could Copyright 2016 - 2024