Breaking up with My Boss - Alexis Winter Page 0,22

ruse was nothing more than a way to watch her suffer—all while trying to get the one and only thing I wanted: her in my bed for one night. I was there. The opportunity was right in front of me and I didn’t take it. Why?

I shake my head at myself. Taking her tonight would’ve been too easy, I tell myself. Where’s the fun in that? If I’d gotten what I wanted now, there’d be no point in keeping up with this bullshit lie. I would’ve had my taste and been done with her. But this way, the game continues. We get to play a little longer. There’s nothing wrong with letting her think she’s winning for a little while, all in the name of making the game last.

I wake in the morning and have a feeling today is going to be different from the last few. I don’t know exactly what I’m walking in on. Will she be happy that I stopped what was starting last night? Will she be angry that she didn’t get what she wanted? Will she feel embarrassed—like I rejected her? I’m not sure, but there’s only one way to find out.

I throw the blankets off and go to the bathroom to shower. I dress in a pair of jeans and a sweater. No sense in dirtying a good suit when I’m not needed in the office. I walk out of my bedroom and find her already up, dressed, and at the table. I step into the room and freeze, looking over at her. She hasn’t realized I’m standing here yet as she looks intently at the newspaper. She has a little crease between her brows as she pops a grape into her mouth.

“Morning,” I say, finally walking in to take my seat.

“Morning,” she replies, not pulling her eyes away from the paper.

“How are you feeling today?”

“I’m fine, thanks.” She still doesn’t look at me and her tone is clipped—straight and to the point.

“I was a little worried last night. I’ve never seen someone get drunk on so little alcohol before.” I wait for a reply but there is none. She only raises her eyebrows.

I make my plate and notice that hers is now completely empty. She picks up her juice and finishes it off.

“Are you finished?” I ask, picking up my fork to begin eating.

“Yes, I have a busy day. I have to get going.” She folds up the paper and stands.

“Do you need a ride?” I ask, watching as she makes her way out of the dining room.

“I’ll Uber. No worries. Enjoy your day.” She turns to go to her room and I’m left alone.

I wasn’t expecting that. I figured she’d yell at me, or bring up that she was drunk and didn’t know what she was doing. I wasn’t prepared to ignore last night altogether. That only leads me to believe that maybe she’s embarrassed I rejected her.

I stand up and walk to her room. The door is open as she gathers her things. I knock once on the open door and she looks over at me.

“Can we talk for a moment?” I ask, walking into the room.

She shrugs. “I’m kind of in a hurry. Don’t want to be late.”

“It’s about last night,” I say, crossing my arms.

She’s bending over the bed, putting her phone into her purse. She stands upright and her shoulders fall. “Do we have to? I think we both know what a mistake it would’ve been, and I’m glad you had the sense to stop it.”

“Really?” I ask, stepping closer, feeling as if she’s drawing me to her.

Her brows furrow as she watches me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I shrug, letting my arms fall back to my sides. “I don’t know. It just seems like you’re hurt or embarrassed or something. And if you are, that wasn’t my intention.”

She snorts. “Are you apologizing because you think you hurt my feelings?” She waits but I don’t answer. “There’s nothing more between us than this arrangement, Matthew. I wasn’t looking for more. I’m not expecting more. I was just drunk and got carried away with the pretense. I know you don’t like me like that and I feel the same about you. It’s a good day if we can make it a few hours together without ripping each other’s heads off.” She brushes past me, leaving me alone once again.

But I do like her like that, and I have a feeling she likes me just as much. So why keep Copyright 2016 - 2024