Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,80

didn’t have to ask her twice. She caught his mouth in a passionate kiss, her veins lighting up with the pleasure of his mouth on hers. When she drew back from him, he groaned, his eyes glittering with amber.

“I think I’m getting the idea now,” he said, his lips curving. “I’m getting several interesting ideas, in fact.”

She kissed his squared chin. “Is that right?”

“Mm. The best ones involve a lot fewer clothes than either one of us is wearing at the moment.”

“Sounds intriguing so far.”

From behind them at the open doorway, someone cleared his throat. The deep voice belonged to a big Breed male with golden-blond hair and eyes of the same leaf-green shade as Tavia’s. A dimpled grin broke over his handsome face. “Bad timing?”

Rafe grunted. “The only kind you have.”

“You must be Devony.”

She nodded. “And you must be Aric.”

“Ah. My reputation precedes me,” he said, crossing Rafe’s quarters to greet her. She expected a handshake, but got a brief embrace instead. “It’s great to meet you, Devony.”

“You too, Aric. Rafe’s told me so many nice things about you.”

Rafe chuckled. “All lies, obviously.”

Aric glanced at Devony. “You really like this dickhead, huh?”

“I love him.”

“I guess someone has to.” He shook his head and reached for Rafe’s hand. As soon as he had a hold on it, he pulled him in for a tight hug too. “I heard what happened in London. You gotta stop almost getting your ass killed, or I’m going to need to find a new best friend.”

Devony’s nerves calmed as she watched the two men catch up. After a moment, Aric’s attention returned to her.

“Everyone’s already gathered in the war room, but I wanted to catch both of you before you head down there. Especially you, Devony.”

She nodded. “All right.”

“I don’t know if Rafe told you, but I’ve been recruiting for a special unit these past few months.”

“The daywalker team,” she said. “Yes, I’ve heard.”

“Good. Because I’d like you to be part of it. If you’re interested, that is.”

She could hardly hold back her excitement. Except . . . “I’d love to, Aric. But I don’t want to be part of a team that doesn’t include Rafe.”

“Yeah, I had a feeling you were going to say that.” He swung a look at Rafe. “I’ve got a spot for you too, if you want it. The team will be based here in Boston, but our assignments can take us anywhere our specialized skills are needed.”

“Sounds interesting,” Rafe said, wrapping his arm around Devony.

Aric nodded. “We can talk about it some more after the introductions downstairs. Lucan just arrived with Gabrielle and Gideon and Savannah. Your parents are here too.”

Devony stared at Rafe. “I’m meeting your parents tonight?”

“Of course. They’ve been dying to meet you since I told them about you.”

Oh, God. Now, her nerves came back with a vengeance.

“Wait a minute,” Aric said, a strange look coming over his face. “You mean, Tess hasn’t seen Devony yet?”

Rafe shook his head and his friend arched a brow.

“Why?” Devony asked, worry washing over her even though Rafe’s blood was utterly calm. “What’s going on?”

“Some time ago, my mother saw a vision in a seer’s eyes. Mira’s eyes.”

“One of the Order members from Montreal,” Devony said, recalling Rafe mention some of the other warriors’ names since they’d arrived in Boston. “What did your mother see?”

“I don’t know. A vision of me with my mate, apparently. And our children.”

Devony gaped. “You never told me this before.”

He gave her a nonchalant look. “Didn’t I?”

“No.” God help her, she wanted to throttle him. “Rafe, what if I’m not her? What if you’re supposed to be with someone else? What if we—”

Rafe silenced her with a slow, toe-curling kiss. When he drew back, the love shining in his gaze was undeniable. “There is no one else for me, vision or not. Whatever my mother saw makes no difference to me. You’re my mate, Devony. You’re my heart.” He pressed a loving kiss to her temple. “Now, are you ready to go say hello to them?”

She blew out her breath and looked into his confident, affectionate gaze. “Okay. I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

“That’s my girl,” he said, lacing his fingers through hers.

With Aric accompanying them, she walked into the war room holding Rafe’s hand. His grasp was her lifeline, her steady anchor as she met the expectant, friendly gazes of Rafe’s teammates, friends, and family.

They were hers now too.

She felt it as the introductions were made and she was welcomed into the fold by everyone from Lucan Thorne and his beautiful, auburn-haired mate, Gabrielle, to each member of the Boston command center. Aric brought his gorgeous mate, Kaya, over to meet her, then motioned for two hulking Breed males and a pretty female to come forward.

“Devony and Rafe, meet the rest of the team: Grayson, Jade, and Lachlan.”

They spoke for a few moments, but Devony couldn’t keep her eyes off the stunning blond who watched her from across the room and the dark-haired warrior with her, whose confident male swagger was so similar to the Breed male who’d stormed into Devony’s life and turned it upside down.

There was no question who that couple was.

Rafe must have sensed her curiosity. “Shall we go say hello?”

“Yes,” she said, meaning it completely. “I’d love to meet them.”

Making their excuses to the rest of the room, they walked over to greet his parents. Rafe didn’t let go of her hand, not even when they were standing in front of the couple.

“Mom, Dad. I’d like you meet Devony. My mate.”

“Hi,” she said, feeling somewhat awkward in the prolonged, unreadable silence.

“I’m Dante,” his father said, his deep voice rolling over her senses like velvet and whisky.

He held out his big hand, but Devony felt a burst of affection for the people who gave her the man she loved. She hugged Dante, then turned to look at Rafe’s mother, Tess.

“Hello,” she said, then waited in breathless dread for her reply.

A tender smile curved Tess’s kind mouth.

“Hello, Devony. I’ve been waiting a long time to welcome you to our family.” Tess drew her into a tight embrace and held her there. “It is so wonderful to finally meet you.”

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