Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,55

any of that—the fact that he couldn’t tell her without breaching his duty to the Order—ate at him as the highly secured command center and surrounding grounds came into view up ahead.

When he turned in to the property, Devony finally snapped out of her daze. “Where are we?”

“The only place we can go right now.”

He touched the security panel, holding his palm in front of the reader as he waited for a response. It didn’t take long.

“The fuck are you doing here?” Elijah’s low drawl over the speaker was anything but welcoming. With only a couple of hours left before daybreak, the patrol team must have only just reported back to base.

“I need to see the commander.”

“So call and make an appointment.” His comrade’s attitude was to be expected, especially considering their last conversation at Asylum.

“It’s urgent, Eli. I’m not leaving until I talk to Chase.”

The warrior snorted. “Then it’ll be your funeral, man.”

When the gate opened, Rafe drove inside. He felt Devony’s apprehension as they approached the sprawling mansion. According to the elder warriors, the Order’s original compound in this city had been impressive. This newer one was a fortress, constructed twenty years ago, after the first was compromised by an enemy and had to be destroyed.

Devony turned a worried glance at him. “Rafe, are you sure about this?”

“It’ll be all right.” He killed the engine and faced her. He couldn’t resist reaching out to stroke the side of her wary face. “You’ll be safe here, I promise.”

To his surprise, as they walked from the vehicle to the front door of the imposing mansion, Devony slipped her hand in his. He didn’t know if the gesture was meant to reassure him or herself. Nor did he care.

After the night they had just endured, he was glad to hold on to her. He was more than glad to feel her at his side; he was proud.

He wouldn’t even be standing there if not for the life-saving gift of her blood.

Through his bond to her, he felt the knot of worry tighten inside her as the door swung open and Eli stood in front of them. He was flanked by Jax, both warriors still in patrol gear, right down to the weapons that bristled at the ready in their hands.

“I’ll be damned,” Jax muttered to Eli. “I thought you had to be joking when you said he was waiting outside.”

For what wasn’t the first time, Rafe wished his teammates understood the truth. That he wasn’t the turncoat loser he still had to pretend he was. Their suspicion burned, even though he had worked hard for the past few weeks to make sure he’d earned it.

Seeing that mistrust leveled on Devony, too, put a sharper edge to his voice. “I need to talk to the commander.”

Neither one of them moved out of the way.

Elijah’s gaze narrowed on Devony for a moment before sliding back to Rafe. He let out a caustic laugh. “Who’s the stray? Didn’t I see her hanging with that gang of losers when we ran into you at Asylum the other night?”

Rafe lowered his head on a warning growl. “She’s mine. That’s all you need to know.”

The protective, possessive part of him rose to Devony’s defense. His response would be the same no matter if he were staring down a friend or a bona fide enemy.

To his credit, Eli stood down. Just a little.

Jax crossed his arms, still in battle stance at the threshold. “You’ve got some kind of balls, man. The commander’s not going to like this. Neither will Nathan, once he finds out you’re here and you brought her with you.”

Rafe didn’t have the patience for reprimands or questions, especially when he couldn’t tell his teammates a damn thing. And not while he was standing outside with Devony knowing Opus’s death squad was likely combing the city for her.

“I’m not here to talk to either of you, damn it.” He took a step forward, ready to forcibly enter the mansion if he had to. “I’m only going to talk to Chase.”

“Let him in.”

From behind the pair of hulking warriors, Commander Sterling Chase appeared. Eli and Jax parted, making way for the immense Breed male. Chase was always an imposing figure with his broad shoulders, muscled bulk, and piercing blue eyes beneath his crown of golden hair. Tonight, there was a gravity to his demeanor that Rafe had rarely seen.

His displeased gaze moved from Rafe to Devony, lingering for a moment on their joined hands. He turned away Copyright 2016 - 2024