Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,36

into her with intensifying fury, powering into the warm, wet fist of her core.

Her eyes stayed open and fixed on him, no shyness in her fevered gaze as he thrust deeper with every stroke. A jagged sigh sawed from between her parted lips, her fangs gleaming.

Rafe growled, tumbling toward the edge of a steep abyss. He wouldn’t be content to go there alone. Leaning down, he took her mouth in a savage kiss as he sank to the hilt and began a deeper claiming of her body.

“Oh, God,” she moaned into his mouth. “Rafe, I can’t take it.”

He knew she didn’t mean pain. A strangled cry tore from her. Her body jolted beneath him, her hands still clenched like talons on his shoulders.

Rafe kept moving within her, even as her throat erupted with a scream of hard release. He was lost to the erotic pressure of her core wrapped so tightly around him, the rippling contractions milking him. The feel of her was more than he could take too. It wrenched a raw curse from between his teeth and fangs.

Now, his own need demanded to be sated.

Bracing himself on one forearm, he drove deeper and harder into her heat, mesmerized by the look of hunger and ecstasy burning in her eyes.

Her pulse throbbed in the base of her throat, repeatedly drawing his gaze to that hammering beat. Hunger lashed him along with the rolling wave of the release he’d been struggling to prolong.

His blood thirst had been dealt with a couple of nights ago at LaSalle’s party, but the sight of Devony’s vein drumming so near to his mouth was a temptation that rocked him to his marrow.

“Fuck,” he snarled, unprepared for the impulse rising up in him like a tidal wave.

He told himself it was only sex. He’d gone too long without it—not once since he’d been played for a fool by the Opus female who’d mesmerized him like a siren.

He’d denied himself out of punishment, but tonight he was paying the price. Devony was paying an even bigger price. Because as intense as this desire between them was, Rafe couldn’t allow it to be anything more.

His mission was all that mattered to him.

His vengeance against Opus Nostrum, and the redemption he hoped he would finally seize once the smoke was cleared and the battle had been won.

Until then, everything else was simply an obstacle he needed to avoid. Including Devony Winters.

He tried to persuade himself that tonight was a mistake he would need to correct, and what he felt for her now was only a momentary weakness, one that would fade under the harsh light of day. He needed to believe that, because the alternative was unacceptable.

Devony Winters was a temptation he had no time for, and no right to indulge.

But yet he continued to bury himself in the perfect bliss of her body, powerless to stop. He savored every nuance of her response while his own body quickened and a roar exploded from him along with the rush of his staggering release.

And while everything male in him—everything Breed—roared with the need to possess her.

To claim her as his.


Soft footsteps and the faint floral scent of Devony’s shampooed hair alerted Rafe to her presence moments before she came into the open war room of her father’s study the next morning.

Rafe had been awake for hours, already showered and dressed while she slept. As one of the Breed, he didn’t require much sleep. Devony surely didn’t either, but when he left her bedside not long before daybreak, she hadn’t so much as stirred.

He should have left her Darkhaven as soon as he woke.

In truth, what he should have done was pack up her father’s files and her collected intel too, and brought it all directly to the Order. He still should, right after making his overdue call to headquarters to advise them to come and pluck Devony Winters off the dangerous path she was on and place her immediately under the Order’s protection.

Not to mention out of his reach.

Especially after his spectacular dereliction of duty last night.

“Good morning.” She walked up behind where he stood perusing the wall of photos and notes and diagrams. Her breasts pressed against his spine as she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder. “How long have you been down here?”

He gave a slight shrug. “Not that long.”

He pivoted around to face her, if only to extricate himself from the enticing warmth of her embrace. Big mistake. Copyright 2016 - 2024