A Breach of Promise Page 0,134

without blemish."

Sacheverall gave him a curious look, a mixture of contempt for his naivete and amusement in the mistaken assumption that Monk admired her in a personal sense and would consider courting her.

In defense of Zillah, Monk did not disabuse him.

Sacheverall bade them farewell and took his leave.

The moment he was gone Delphine rose to her feet, her face white, tight-lipped.

"You fool!" she said furiously, glaring at Zillah. "How could you be so unbelievably stupid? You didn't have to say anything about that wretched Gibbons boy! You could have said I took you away because he was pestering you!" She was breathing hard. "You could have said anything at all. A dozen different things would have been perfectly believable and left you with a reputation. Look what you've done." She flung her arm out. "You haven't the wits you were born with! Or at least when you were a child! Sometimes I wonder where you got your stupidity from. It's certainly nothing I've taught you."

She jabbed her finger towards the closed door again. "He would have married you. He was utterly charmed. You were everything he wanted. He has an excellent family, intelligence, good manners and very fine prospects indeed. His reputation is perfect. Do you think I don't look into these things before I let anyone pay court to you? Do you?"

Zillah drew in her breath.

"Well, do you?" Delphine demanded, her eyes blazing. "Haven't I always taken the best care of you, done everything for your interest, for your welfare and your future? Now in one idiotic conversation you've sent another man off out of your life." She gestured towards the door again. "And he won't come back-don't hold any hopes of that. He thought you lost your virtue to Gibbons, and nothing you say now is going to change his mind. He won't look at you again, except with polite contempt. And do you imagine people won't guess why?" Her voice was rising steadily and getting wilder, and unconsciously she was moving towards Zillah. "Two men attracted to you and then leaving you suddenly-in as many months! There's only one conclusion anyone with a jot of sense will draw from that."

"Delphine..." Lambert interrupted, moving towards her.

She shook her head impatiently. "Don't be absurd, Barton! Face reality. People may like her, young men may desire her, heaven knows she's beautiful enough, I've seen to that. But they won't marry her. Their mothers won't allow it, whatever they think." She whirled around to Zillah again, her eyes burning in a white face. "Is that what you'll settle for? Being liked and desired while all the eligible men marry other girls? I can tell you, it may be fine for another year or two, but in five years, when they have houses and families and you are still here with us, it will look very different. The invitations will stop coming. You will have more and more time to sit by yourself and consider your idiocy."

"Delphine, stop it!" Lambert commanded.

But she would not be stopped; the heat of passion consumed any restraint. "And when you are thirty, and an old maid, and your beauty is gone, what then? Who's going to keep you? What are you going to do with yourself?"

"I'll keep her, should that arise!" Lambert responded angrily. "And she'll do with herself whatever she chooses."

"There won't be anything to choose from," Delphine pointed out. "Can't you see what she's done? Are you so blind you still don't understand?" There were tears of grief and frustration in her eyes. "One suitor leaving her she might get over, but not two!" Her voice dropped to be deeply sarcastic. "Or are you going to suggest there is something wrong with Sachev-erall? He's a woman in disguise, perhaps?"

Lambert was momentarily lost for a reply.

"He was an opportunistic coward who did not love her," Monk supplied with deep disgust. "And any woman is worthy of more than that." He was so filled with loathing for the whole system of values where beauty and reputation were the yardsticks of worth that he did not trust himself to say more. "It is not a misfortune that he showed his nature before you could no longer extricate yourself from any connection with him gracefully." He said this last to Zillah. He turned to Barton Lambert. "Thank you for your time, sir. I shall learn what more I can about Melville's death, and advise you if it is of worth. Good day." And he bowed to the women

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