Brazen Tricks - Ali Dean Page 0,59

himself, while Jordan’s jaw remains halfway to the ground.

Colleen reaches over to stroke her daughter’s hair. “We’ve never seen you happier than you’ve been these past couple of months since you’ve started competing again. And now that we’ve seen you in person, we can confirm it. All after being held at gunpoint too. So we’re pretty convinced you’re onto something with this skateboarding stuff.”

Jordan finally snaps out of it and smiles at her mom. “Yeah, this skateboarding stuff seems to be working out, doesn’t it?” She tries to go for light, but her voice is thick with emotion. Jordan’s eyes are a little glassy and I reach over to give her leg a squeeze.

She’s finally figured out what she wants, and that means she’s finally believing she’s got more than just skateboarding talent. She’s ready to share that talent with the public, go after new challenges, and explore the world while doing it. I think it’s finally dawning on her too that she’s not the only one with faith that she’s cut out for this. Even her parents, the people most likely to want to protect her and push her in the safest direction to succeed in life, have faith she’s going to be a star. From my seat, she already is one.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I can’t believe I’m really at the X Games. When we first got to the arena, I thought I’d be in spectator mode and forget I’m a competing athlete. After all, I’ve never been to a sporting event of this proportion and it’s a lot to take in. But as we register, shake hands with event organizers and staff, and check out the expo, I feel like the pro I’ve apparently become. I’m sure it helps I’m with Beck, Taylor, Brie, Moses, and Lennon. This isn’t their first rodeo, yet I can tell they’re just as enthralled as I am with the anticipation of competing. This is close to as big as it gets for skateboarding. The X Games also hosts the world championships, but this contest is their biggest one behind that. Next summer will be the first time skateboarding is in the Olympics, and since that’s still kind of an unknown, the X Games remains the largest platform.

When we reach the part of the arena for the big air contest, Beck wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head. We take it in, and while I’ve looked at pictures online, it’s not the same as seeing it in person.

“You going to try the 720 tonight?”

“Tonight? At the practice session?” They open it up for all the competitors for a couple hours this evening and tomorrow.

“Yeah. You’ve been practicing at all the parks around home and it’s solid. But thought you’d want the chance to try it here before the judges are watching.”

“I wasn’t planning on it. Last time I landed it in a competition without practicing on the course first, so I don’t want to jinx it.”

“Ah, superstitious, are we?”

I turn and put my arms around his neck. “Not exactly, but you know how I feel about added pressure.”

“You know everyone’s already expecting you to do it, right?” Beck asks.

“I know, but somehow it seems like if they all see me practicing it beforehand, and if I fall, which I might, that expectation is heightened.”

“Whatever you decide, Hotshot. And you’ve got plenty of tricks to work with if you decide not to go for a 720 after all.”

I tilt my head up for a quick kiss. “Does it get easier? Handling the expectations and pressure?”

“Yes and no. The expectations only get higher the more you meet or exceed them. Once I won the X Games and the world championships there was the pressure to do it again. But after time, you just realize you can only do your best, have fun out there, enjoy it, and see what happens. Some runs, some days, it all comes together, and some days it doesn’t.”

I nod. “Yeah, that’s true whether there are judges and spectators or not. It was the same when I’d spend hours in the park by myself.”

“Right, and not every day, or every competition, can be exactly what you hope for. So just enjoy the challenge, you know?”

“I’m getting that.” I glance around, making sure no one’s close enough to overhear my confession. There are a few people watching us from afar, but that’s it. “When I first came back to competing, a big drive to perform well was to beat Copyright 2016 - 2024